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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Biff..one big difference however. Players honoured Tulips leads. I have no definitive understanding of why Jacks were ignored ( shunned even) on a regular basis. Much of what folk are keen to blame Jack for is actually other people's actions. Were/are they brought to task ?
  2. Youre wrong....im filthy about the Spalding deal !!!
  3. He going to Port SWL Dont think youre quite on song about this yet. A bag of crisps and two pollywaffles will get this done..us paying !!
  4. Lets look at the possible validity of that ground laying question. Would/is the MFC considering keeping Jack ? You might suppose for this to be the case there would needed to be overtures by the club to that effect. Some would say that is exactly the situation. Look they point out, the door's not closed ! He has a contract, we only suggested he explore options ! On the surface it certainly seems Melbourne would take Jack back. The actions of the club remind me somewhat of passive aggressives. If the club were only mildly interested in Jack satisfying some idle curiosity it might have all been done inhouse. His management could have entertained enquiries. It could have all been put away. No one the wiser. However, much of this started at season's start and continued through the season with public belittling and the club announcing Jack was free to entertain offers, all subject to agreement etc. What this really meant was....push off. The club has hardly been fussed, it can hardly care about return for a trade, its likely to have to pay some of Jacks pocket money. All screams ' love you Jack, please come back' Tbh. The club's been very careful to maintain a straight bat and tightly lipped. My understanding ( built upon a number of avenues of input ) is Jacks been a dead man walking all year. Jack just didn't know it til now. Believe it or not i really couldn't care. What you see and what you get dont always tally. I feel genuinely sorry for Jack. He , like myself, like many of you love this Footy Club. We get to stay, he has to move on. His journey is now elsewhere. Back to the opening premise. No , the club's not / nor ever has considered having him back . They've been far to active in getting him to leave !! The truly unfortunate thing is this episode is only a sympton of a deeper problem. Hopefully that doesn't derail the hard work and good intent of some. No one's holding a door open Go Dees
  5. This is actually very telling. Much to learn if one looks at timelines and assoc constructs. Pretend the camera is focusing on the wrong target
  6. Much is made of the lacklustre training, his preparation etc. I think thats , in the main , an invention to suit certain narratives He doesnt train like Jones or Viney perhaps but Im not prepared to believe he trained like a nuff nuff etc Watts hasnt fit a type of template that certain coaches ( currently prevailing at Melb ) along with some other FD staff would prefer. Where he was understood and dare I say nurtured, he played and presented very well. When it's all become too hard for some...lets knock him on the head and out with the garbage. Some things have changed at Melbourne ..for sure...many for the better, some not so clever. A lot of people are taking a lot at face value and not looking properly at the bigger picture. That might be for another day in another thread perhaps. I'll be damned if I know how it's possible for one player to be blamed for so much. He was asked to play every style of game bar the one he's possibly best suited to. Did HE choose these roles....but he's to blame ? I think what gets up the goat of many, certainly myself is how much so many people are prepared to swallow the Koolaid. Ive made it a [particular habit to believe just about NOTHING emanating from the mouths of Footy Clubs and their folk...players and coaches/staff alike when made towards the public gallery. My old man often suggested I watch what people DO, not what they say. Action requires effort and commitment and words are a pound a ton. What I have noticed over the last couple of seasons and especially the last one are various folk blaming anyone but themselves. I like a lot of dlanders watch games both live as well as the Telly. Its not hard to actually see who makes a concerted effort on game days and who goes missing or who has their head in the clouds or up their arze !! Anyone thinking getting rid of Jack somehow solves anything has rocks in their head. I wish all parties luck and good fortune. Go Dees
  7. might win nearest the mark. emphasis on 'coaching'...not just a coach
  8. Or possibly hes making it a little more about what suits him/future...than the club...you know...the one kicking him out ? Be surprised if not all resolved by/or on Monday. Am sure he didn't want to go. Be past that now.
  9. Where am i to stand ...in order to ascertain fair ?
  10. The chase in all likelihood was thwarted . Ill let you figure that out His price ? Whatever Port offers. Bit of a buyers market effect here. JM etc might ask for X. ( Bit if showmanship pretence really in this instance ) .. Port will give Y....and why not...we don't want him. Port get a bargain. Might be as simple as #30
  11. What ,you think they aren't Red. You're going off media. The clubs know. Think Jacks off to see his gurly Pretty sure technology will facilitate communication.
  12. It still rather bemuses me that so many have yet to twig what this has been about. The MFC don't care about any value for this trade. They've always been prepared to take chump change dressed up as some 'dowery'. Smell the flowers folks.... It's just been about pushing Jack out the door. Classy.
  13. Jack should write a book some day. Probably be quite illuminating. Id buy it.
  14. Interesting that you assume a problem is in one particular area .
  15. Might also suggest no one has to pay it all ?? Just provide a pick or two ? ( The right one(s) )
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