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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Only so many Jack Levers !! etc The wisdom of trading for talentv(known ) as against speculative drafting is surely dependent on your needs, available players, and ability to get them. The proverb...bird in hand etc often holds up.
  2. Trade week: The application of Chicken and Egg dichotomy towards shopping lists
  3. Has it ? The foundations of this debacle were laid some time ago. A bit of cowboy diplomacy hasn't helped. Those that suggest it could have been done very differently should consider who's involved. It might have been done differently were different folk involved, but then its unlikely this would ever have occurred were they there. Watts done is done.
  4. I think some folk need to understand and distinguish between the idea that the JW trade might be delaying things...and JW delaying things. Its now at that silly stage of dominoes. A lot of clubs Actually on pretty much same page...just different corners. Not expecting much before about 10 tomorrow now....unless a 'balancing' trade falters...or signed off in next 2-3 hours. ( And that's not JW btw ) Fun isn't it lol
  5. some much older lists needing to get some kiddies in..some lists struggling as past picks unable to muster the coin needed to make the trades worth. A few chooks coming home to roost. Combine that with some clubs better at trading than others...some clubs trade..some really dont ( much ). There's , as usual , one or three trades holding up everything also. it's a marketplace...some days better than others
  6. If you look up despot fwit in your Funk and Wagnell's guess wholl be staring back at ya. That's right....ASADA father of the year !!! Meh...can this fool get any more stupid ??
  7. Maybe i just wont say it in black and white... somewhat appropriate for a Melb site. Maybe youre too dim or frankly fn lazy to apply the grey matter Maybe you take the MFC at face value. More fool you. There is a Trojan horse. Now run along and pretend youre intelligent.
  8. Good Dr. I know what i know..and there's what im told. There's also what im prepared to deduce and surmise. Im not prepared to breach confidences nor betray those that might impart. What i am saying is straight forward. As often the case things are not what they may seem. Football clubs lie. Its the first language of this sport. The many are being sold a story. One that fits a particular narrative but its validity falls apart upon furtive inspection. About 75-90% of what i understand to be the case has quite amazingly been spelt out in this very thread, just not by one poster in one post. As ive suggested before ill suggest again. Forget Jack per se but look to the club, the one spinning this garbage and look at timelines. Look at personnel, look at where elements of the narrative start, stop, or change. There are others , both here on these very boards as well as just out in footy land who either know many elements, but possibly not the whole picture. I don't know the whole picture. Ive a fair idea of the artist, the muse and the gallery. I dont care whether you believe me. I don't care whether you can or indeed be bothered to look/ think further. I do care that club's successful. I'll finish by saying that im abou %99 sure Jack's departure is both predetermined and a part of a course of action, and it just hasn't happened as a result of some 'misunderstandings"
  9. ? Youve missed your calling... Or .... perhaps not !!
  10. That sort of infers it's not there yet !
  11. wow...some first post....Welcome to the fray. Interesting
  12. @ChewyOnMyBoot et al Can the many actually handle the truth ? Look forward to a book about this era of the club. It might join other illustriou tomes. In the meantime I'll settle for some eminently successful footy.
  13. Swyl... The problem is...they cut Jack's vein and found it Burgundy... He just doesn't bleed Red & Blue in the right manner. He's now off to a land of Stobie Poles, Pie Floaters and Southwark .... Where Reds are plentiful , well nurtured and cultivated. Even Burgundy is understood there.
  14. 250..250 anyone ?? Any Shakespearian devotees here ?
  15. Often when players are sought in this manner, second chance and not expensive, there is someone in a club flying his flag. Id be dead curious to know who his champion is at the Dees. I really dont see much here. That's my opinion of course.
  16. SWYL. Sentiments understood. Much angst is leveled along a notion he's running away. He woke up one morning and found himself outside !! Many dont or cant see this. Remove the bullshlt rhetoric from the club. Just look at what is. This also goes to fair price. Its a fair price from Port for Scrap !! Jack is undoubtedly responsible for his own life and actions, as far as he ( or we in our own )can affect them . There's a bit going on and Jacks just collateral now. We'll settle for #30 or there abouts...and that's not even the purpose of this exercise. Often in footy we suggest lowering of eyes. I can only suggest to some...lift and open. No sure why i bother though. The Inquisitors have spoken. Burn him.
  17. I sometimes wonder if its the individual that doesn't 'get it' or the masses that don't get 'him' Jack has had to apply himself to many roles. Some he did ok at, some well and some he manfully surprised at. Some not his forte. London to a brick Hinkley knows the one best suited to Jack and will play him in it to great effect. That wont be Jacks fault, it will be his and Port's gain. We been trying to shove square pegs in round holes at the Dees. Thats Actually OUR fault. None so foolish as those that won't learn, none so blind as those that won't see. I hope for our club's sake we actually have people who know how to learn. Hope even more we have some that will see.
  18. Might be the best of a poor sitting as such. Ink it Red
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