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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. They're a bunch of bustards.... good to get their money. Well done PJ and Co
  2. Round 2 will show very quickly a number of things: Can coaching/ selection learn? Was round 1 an aberration to the real norm? Have we a sustainable game style ?( Personally i think there may be a fundamental flaw in thinking. The season is a marathon...yet we rely on a style played at frenetic pace...more like backing up 100m sprints. Its a long season. Who's in favour...who might not be ? Yes it'll be only 2 games... astute observation can provide insight. The Lions are actually a real danger game. Im enthused by the optimism shown by some. Im not convinced weve got this right yet. That was a pretty average effort all things considered. Scoreboards seldom lie. Had the Cats kicked straighter we wouldn't have been in it. Go Dees
  3. Ron. We actually lost the game...and in a number of ways starting with selection through to fades, through some one dimensional game style through to poor decisions by those that ought know better. Then there was Max A lot to review and fix for the weekend
  4. Round 2 will be informative to say the least Go Dees
  5. Fascinating thread. Having only now had the chance to watch the game ( an unfortunate family bereavement just recently put footy on the back burner ) I fear I'm somewhat aligned with Webber in the main. I expected a far more composed and dedicated side than that which fluffed it Sunday. Selection ... very questionable in some respects. Before the bounce...before this season my thoughts went...We win round 1...off and running..some confidence..build on that refine... and we're a finals contender. Lose...and we're already playing catch-up footy....and that was exactly what we played Sunday after the 1st qtr. I think the club is well placed off the field in admin etc kicking goals there. I have a little sneaky that the FD world and relationships towards some players is not all honky dory. Im not convinced our game style can either be executed consistently, nor the coaches capable of sufficient and timely adjustment. Ill wait till about round 6-7 to start worrying. Im not overly enthused at the moment.
  6. Viney. He has the ability to take on a game. His absence was noticeable last season. He adds a big cog to the gearing. Tmac. Most definitely handy and adds a different dynamic to the front end but we can kick goals from many players. Toms effect is mainly about the front arc. Viney's is all over the ground.
  7. Mike isn't alone. I sense the bullshlt dept is working overtime again at the MFC
  8. Storm in teacup really. New recording is fine. Notsure what anyone's fussing about.
  9. Hey....wattsa a mahler with you hey !!!
  10. As expansion comes we'll be diluted. We just missed the best opportunity to snag a cup and establish our real bone fide as a power club. Ive seen under 16's playva cleverer style of footy. I don't think the game coaching was at all where it needed to be. Wasted opportunity. Back to drawing board Dees. Have a good and proper think. Next year much harder.
  11. Boudicca and Joan say hello
  12. From what ive watched of this series we certainly did not lack ( in the main ) for endeavour and application. There are certainly those with some skill and footy prowess. That said there was a hell of a lot of fiddle-faht footy and the goalposts were a pretty safe spot to stand !! Melbourne...the glamour side. Not sure the coach has a clue tttt
  13. I read it as a childish ambit gamble. The AFL is using this as either leverage or a 'reason' it should leave ASADAS overseeing. The Great Dil cant stand that it's not really his bst and ball. Has there ever been such a lacklustre fool in charge of this game ? I wonder. Gil isnt really in this world...just his own delusional kindergarten.
  14. My....we are a diverse lot
  15. Relax. Dees by 35
  16. Stop reading the papers
  17. By seasons end therell be another 4 at around a 100.. as the Rouge one suggests its the swelling in the ranks at 50-75 that will impact ( gor us ) to a much greater degree.
  18. doubt it...theyre closing Footy clubs faster than a disappearing qtr Pounder at a JennyCraig convention!!
  19. Think Kangas Should just forfeit 2018 !!
  20. So is Cornes.... perhaps the two should catch up !
  21. And here inlays the problem...of sorts. The suggested category..i.e 'player' Last time i looked it takes a team, a cohesive team , a consistent team to get anywhere. I couldn't care at all about players having ' breakout' seasons.... I'm more about a Team having a breakout season, our team. Let others concern themselves about individuals as I just want to see the team play a good and competitive brand of footy , week in - week out and the rest should follow. We can tell ourselves who's ramping things up at the Dees. Others might worry more about their own teams etc.
  22. My God it all becomes so laughable at this end of the season. Teams are burning down houses, training out of their skins and Media folk are exercising wrists over-time !! I honestly don't listen to any of the shows or read much of the absolute bullshlt offered up as "insight" These illustrious minds that are paid to produce clickbait and headlines are doing just that and no more. Why anyone pays the smallest skerrick of weight on any of it beggars belief. The JLT series is a full flight training run..that's its and that's all. Coaches get to see in real time against real opponents ( not your sisters ) how game plans and players are working out. THEN..... The real footy starts. Then we get to see who's come to the party ...and in what manner. In this vein come the final siren at the MCG on Mar 25 we will have some idea of what we're about and where we might be going (or not ). As others have already shown much of this ratbag lot of wannabe scions of secret knowledge are in fact just guessing. They're applying whatever they deem fit as a template and cast their runes accordingly. They will hunt with hounds and run with hares. There are only about 25 odd to whom I nod any sense of idea about who we are and how we're going and they oddly enough are the ones wearing those red and blue jumpers on game day. The only Stat that really impacts ANYTHING is the scoreboard. In this light I will continue my time honed practice of paying attention to ONLY these two parameters...an no more. Nothing said or offered other than by the team on game day matters a zac.
  23. Meh.... he's become such a Blight on football !
  24. The West isn't renown for observing conventional protocols Somewhat ironic the Chemist is now in Windyville eh ? Hard to get a really decent coffee over there... perhaps Jimmy can 'fix' the brew !!
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