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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. What thoughts folks: Fyffe gone ? or the duplicity of the MRP to prevail ?
  2. Thanks @Webber Not what I or any I imagine want to hear. At least he should be reasobably ok going forward ?
  3. That long !! That's a while . You're up on these things so don't doubt you for a second. It's the nature and type of tear/etc ?? I had hoped these things were a little quicker these days. That's a blow ..for all. Again.. good luck Jake.
  4. Bugger. A full and speedy recovery Jake. Cya at preseason i suppose. Bugger
  5. You'd expect the Aints to go hard ball here.If Vic bound i could see him going to StKilda. Good fit
  6. If we win...we win. The generally expected outcome , but not a foregone conclusion. Shows we ARE on track If we lose...the "narrative" will return to doubting our bona fide contention of being finals bound. I would think it not damned if we do, damned if we don't. We'll just be damned if we don't.
  7. Are we the new filth ? ie...to be associated by rumours to any and all ?
  8. Id double that....just in me waters !!
  9. Hes not that crucial to the mix yet id say. Bull might get another run...ease Weed back.
  10. Has Spargo got a dog ?? ???
  11. I sense you misconstrued my gist, my error.
  12. Reading the tea leaves as one does i dont think it too long a bow to suggest ..well ..1...some familar names won't be so familiar at seasons end...and 2 ...as a result they'll either look around....or be shopped...or have enquiries made of them. Some that might have been on our best 22 lists at seasons start may struggle to find a spot. Are they happy to be depth... play the Magoos with occasional elevation....or.... Do they stay or do they go ? Going to be some surprises...for some.
  13. Get a life= wait til server back up.
  14. We've moved on... Steve's giving up stand up ( or sitting down ) for a national sorry tour in a green pony car. Apparently there's some murderous feathery mob wanting to ambush us out back of Viney's creek challenging an arvo of Marn Grook. I reckon they're a bunch of Pykers personally not worth diddly. Apparently some real Texan called Walker is not amused and is likely as all to Chuck a wobbly at ol hairy lip. Yippee yi yo ki yay
  15. A joke... perchanced upon a malapropism was all it was. The song was actually irrelevant other than to denote the singer..and by such the joke. All the rest is also irrelevant but to those that see shadows where none exist.
  16. I have him at around 4.5 or thereabouts over 5...( Conditions apply etc ) Thats 900 a year. .. He may end up with more... bonuses etc. I think we need to rethink the bar...as it were. The new player collective together with accompanying Salary Cap provides for .. well...bigger money. Bit like houses etc...blink and the buying power of your money just decreased. Then there's market value for players. Other clubs will come hard. I fully believe Tom ( and Oscar ) have no vision of playing anywhere else...but they aren't nongs. They get one really good shot at a pay-dirt contract... this is Tom's. Everyone knows this.. everyone will adapt.
  17. Was very intelligent Footy all round.Ball kept being put to advantage. Amazing what confidence brings.
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