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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. and continue ( likely ) to finish higher still
  2. If you had no intention of going anywhere ( at least at the moment ) ...would you not say just that. This wouldnt harm his negotiating position one iota.He doesnt have to sign another Dees contract for a while. Say youre playing at Melb in 2019...let your efforts and such drive your value. or...if you really are open to a move...Say Nothing. Lets the bidding begin If youve ALREADY decided on a change of scenery then for mine you still dont really need to say anything...just let your manager earn his money. I think hes doing just that What has made him suddenly ( probably not ) open to a move ? There would be in my eye absolutely no surprise in a giant offer from Freo. I very much doubt Melb would/should pay what Freo are prepared to. If say freo are offering silly money over 5 years...( or more ) then we could well be talking of a difference of 2-1/2 Million dollars. Thats got to be a serious attention grabber.
  3. Not really DD. I would have thought that direction would have been signalled much earlier. Just my thinking granted.
  4. I just want the flag.. not fussed who wins it for us to tell the truth
  5. Actually Im not overlooking it . Thats exactly what he IS doing/did. He and his manager will have a strategy. Saying very little is part of it. What I do suspect is that what we as public get fed is days/weeks old...again for show The driving up of the price has already been accomplished. All parties will pretty well know where they all stand, have done for some while Id guess. There is very little that would be new in all of this. Everyone has known when Jesse's paper runs out. Freo will have had a very concerted effort running in the background for ages.Melbourne are no fools, they knew this was coming. So what happens? Well its a bit like a game of Misere etc. It's all about the timing of the playing of certain cards. In this instance everyone says absolutely nothing untoward.You dont blink til you have to. Both Melb and Hogan wait for the offers...I am somewhat guessing but id have to think the offer is well and truly already known to Hogan from Freo ( for some time ). Melbourne in the main preo-ccupied as a club til our finals tilt ended but the List management people would be only too aware of anything thats happening. Thats THEIR job.
  6. Re tax. Unless it's changed there is actually provision by the ATO to treat certain kinds of earnings differently. Elite sports used to be ( might still be ) such a one. Essentially earnings can be spread over time. It's far more complex but that's the gist. The Point ? Jesse earning 300-400k more elsewhere p.a.. will still be a large difference.
  7. And the most noticeable silence is from....... Jesse. He's not staying.... otherwise he could have easily said so and put this all to bed ages ago. People need to look beyond the advertised mail. It's irrelevant...meetings etc. We have these things called phones. Quite clever devices in told. Everything else .. EVERYTHING ...is for show.
  8. Whatever the value we get for Jesse we need it to be playing next year and becoming part of our premiership/s team as early as possible. Any idea of delaying or seeking to buy into the draft for kids who may or may not be something...and some unknown time down the track is plain folly. As LH alludes we'll trade for whatever gets the next deal/s done and someone/s on the park.
  9. In Hogan's going we'll be after player/s imho. Unless there is someone very special in the draft I think as a club we've adopted the general thinking of Roos ( and others...some here ) Trade is for getting players ready to go, ready to fill a role. You go shopping in drafts for projects etc.
  10. So we need 2 x 3rd rounders to be sure ? ???
  11. That's their 3rd rnd pick. About right We got both McDonalds with similar. ( edit: Sorry Chook.Didnt see your post )
  12. I agree...sorry..that probably irks you But youre right I think. I sense the trading is to get May..and some up and comer perhaps. The drafts picks are a different issue per se. The club ( ours ) just wants ITS result...then it's all good as far as it goes
  13. Sorry Jaded if I steal your post but these two lines intrigue me What if the result of him leaving...i.e trades etc..Improves the club ?? I ask as Im club first, player afterwards many are/have possibly suggested...we simply have to make the best of a bad situation. I think it's a good situation we can do really well out of. And in doing so Jesse doesnt come off too shabby either granted...I think differently to many
  14. It would actually make some sense
  15. That was indeed my cryptic point ...Cheers
  16. Just out of curiosity Has Hogan..or his management come out to flatly deny any of this ?? discuss
  17. well ... in a fashion, exactly...When its maximum value to both parties..Jess AND US...if we wait..its just Hogan. Thats no sling at him...just a reality
  18. any dealing will address NEEDS and GAPS for NOW... thats the opportunity of this.
  19. well...im not going to say " I didnt see that coming !!" ( this time ) lol
  20. No one's been spooked. This sort of thing happens from a long way back. Dont get suckered in to believing player/manager/club speak during a season. The MFC will know EXACTLY what its doing
  21. Now we go from Club/Player Speak....to Talking Turkey !!
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