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Everything posted by highroller

  1. only Melbourne fans know the pain and suffering our club can cause at times heres hoping this new group is ready to change all that
  2. the good news is some of those teams play each other making it harder for them - like Cats Hawks and Pies Power
  3. agreed - we have to use Frost on Franklin from the get go I reckon - he can at least compete in the one on ones and is quick enough. By the time the WCE rolls around we should really only be down Lever and Viney and to a lesser extent Smith
  4. so I think there is no reason why we cant win all 3 and if we do then we take second/third place and all these other results don't matter - Like we go past GWS because we beat them and maybe the Eagles as well depending on how they go in their other games. We really need to win this week though to make sure of it. I really rate us in the WCE game and GWS at the G isn't impossible by any stretch. This thing could all go pear shaped but I think the media is overplaying our not beaten a top side stuff we have only played like 4-5 and 3 of those were games where we really should have won.
  5. cant believe how close we could have been to having top 4 sewn up right now - even if we go 2/4 in the close games we would be pretty much home. Nothing to stop us winning our last 3 and we should go into all of them expecting to win.
  6. get a grip dude seriously!!! sorry for being positive around a place that is full of negativity and hate towards our players most of the time. If you want to always think the worst go for it but I want us in the business of winning flags and you are trying to conjure up ways how we will inevitably fail again - think its you would should clear out
  7. also I don't think the Eagles are an impossible task we beat them last year there and even the year before we completely dominated and somehow lost the game. Would love Viney back for it though he was immense there last year
  8. we will have everyone except Lever by the time finals come around - if you dare to dream think about the Doggies 16 when they had been putrid but got all their players back to start the finals - there will be the week off as well so we should be cherry ripe for first week if we make it If we can pull off all four we will play Richmond even 3 wins we will probably play them as well. I would love to have a crack we have the cattle to trouble them and could catch them off guard. Suddenly if you are in a home prelim anything is possible
  9. also that was a mark ..cant remember which quarter maybe the 2nd - controlled it and got screwed by the BS Adelaide bias - I was pretty dirty at the time
  10. i have played around with the ladder predictor a bit and I think we win the next couple of weeks it would take a miracle to not make it - GC and Sydney should realistically both be wins especially if Sydney stay in this form - I have a sick feeling they will get McVeigh and Hannebury back though think they are both missing atm In other good news if we win everything except the WC game we should definitely finish fourth and a free crack at Richmond for a prelim!!!
  11. so like I know the crows are in form etc and at their shithole but like we did kinda beat them by 2934823984 points about 8 weeks ago. Like surely we are a chance guys - I think we will win Adelaide / GC and one of the other games not sure which hopefully Sydney but its all still doable - I rate the Adelaide game a better chance than SYD / GWS / WC for sure
  12. the thing that screwed us isn't the Petracca bomb it was Brayshaw handballing in the last 30-40 seconds - if he goes to ground and causes a stoppage we win - even if he gets pinged their isn't enough time for them. Failing this the other option to save the game was OMac when he is running back with Tomahawk through the centre of the ground, he knows he is outpositioned and Tomahawk will mark it so giving away a free kick where he actually brings Tomahawk to ground would save the game as well. He has to reset stand up again etc would have been enough to win it for us
  13. guys it was extremely shattering last night no doubt we were leading for nearly the whole game except the end I get it it sucks but when you get to the point where you have settled down and reflect on it have a think about what actually happened We went to the shithole cattery, outplayed them and looked the better team all night against a full strength Geelong - we had 3-4 best 22 missing Do I need to remind everyone what usually/used to happen when we went to Geelong - for the last 10 years its almost a pencilled in 10-15 goal loss - we are right there now just a few dumb mistakes that cost us and it sucks but we are going up they are going down!
  14. I reckon if we can just pull out the win this weekend we are pretty much home - if you bank the suns as a win that would be 12W and im sure we can win one of the others..it also puts Geelong a long way back as well. 13 and our percentage will definitely get us in but yeah lose this weekend and its going to be the usual stress fest that we are used to dealing with
  15. Yeah i suppose but you would think if he wanted a godfather type deal like the media keeps rambling on about we would give it to him.
  16. so i didnt read through this whole thread but with big Maxy Gawn signing today i just had to ask Does anyone have any knowledge on what the current situation is with Hoges? Like as in are talks already starting, does he have an offer in front of him etc? We would be crazy to have not at least approached him about it.
  17. the one were Pendles was looking likely to kick another easy goal 20m out in the second quarter was the best - he disarmed him so quickly it was hard to see how the heck he did it. The guy is a deadset gun now and could end up being the best of the young guns including Gus and Hoges. Couple more preseasons he could be scary.
  18. Does everything think the not being able to kick 50+ metres will sort itself out? Like he even looks uncomfortable at times from 40-45m. I am not trying to put him down etc he is awesome but is this something that can be fixed easily?
  19. someone amend the list Brissy is done now for the Saints and 2 in a row next week
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