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Posts posted by Doggo

  1. Does anyone remember the Saints game on the Gold Coast when Maric played?

    I certainly do because it had one of my most memorable plays from a Demon for last season.

    The ball was in dispute on the wing, and Maric slid in low and hard for the ball and gathered it whilst taking out the legs of the Saints opponent and then quickly getting to his feet to dispose of the ball.

    It may not sound that memorable, but it was absolutely beautiful to watch, and epitomizes to me how i would like our team to play in the future, and how others teams ahead of us play already.

    I remember that too, the player he beat to the ball was Baker, and IIRC Maric gave him a bath that day. If he could play that way more often we'll have ourselves a gem for the next decade.

  2. I must concur what's already been said here... Well done yesterday boys, was an awesome day, despite the heat, running around again with the all-conquering Demons...!!! Went straight to the beach with Jez after leaving the pub. Unfortunately, my heel has blown up to the size of a tennis ball and is purple and sore as hell. Going to get some x-rays done tomorrow to determine if there's a crack/fracture in there, fingers-crossed there's not. I'm going overseas to asia on Friday!!!!!!!!! Beaches won't be too much fun in a cast.

    ps: i am neva getting on the [censored] again on a saturday night! first thing i did at the pub was walk straight to the toilet and chuck up! glad u found it funny doggo!

    As if mate, you'll be back on it next sat'day, no doubt! ;)

    It was a funny moment though, you looked like you'd just seen a ghost when u walked out the bathroom. Played a couple of bloody good games yesterday though mate, well done!

  3. Seeing as I still play competitive footy and this is a chance for most of the guys who don't play to get out there and have a kick, I think I'll step aside and let someone who would otherwise miss out have a run.

    Ahhhh no, there's goes our master ruck/ruck-rover combo... Shattered. ;)

  4. Hey Rollo, i've got a couple of mates, Benn and Matt, who are interested in having a run if need be. I think they played in one of the first games against Saintsational, they're very keen. But it looks like we've got plenty of players already. Let me know if they can get on board.


  5. Ok then, straight up trade - Brock for Winderlich - would you do it?

    I wouldn't even consider it. Winderlich is a decidedly average player. At least Brock is a good ordinary player.

    I'd do it in a heartbeat. IMO you're not giving Winderlich the respect he deserves. He's taken his time to come good granted, but much like Sylvia, his impact on footy games is greater than Brock's would ever be.

    There is always much talk about our one-paced, non-goal-scoring midfield, and you wouldn't swap McLean for a fast, line-breaking, goal-kicking midfielder?

  6. Full List Areas of improvement IMO

    1. Buckley - awareness, skills, and fitness- ie. manage injuries

    2. Jones - speed, decision-making, skills

    3. Bartram - decision-making, skills, skills, SKILLS!

    4. Watts - body strength and size, one-on-one marking

    5. McLean - fitness base, speed

    6. Bate - agility, work at ground level

    7. Miller - one-out and pack-marking, defensive pressure, and goal-kicking FCS !!

    8. Frawley - tidy up disposal, continue strength development

    10. Morton - body strength and size, physicality

    11. Johnson - contested marking, decision-making, physicality, ruckwork

    12. Sylvia - maintain consistency and dedication, stay fit

    14. Dunn - overhead marking, physicality, winning more footy

    15. Petterd - body size and strength, consistency, disposal

    16. Grimes - fitness, strength, disposal

    18. Green - maintain consistency

    19. Maric - endurance and fitness, strength, consistency

    20. Garland - fitness, stay injury free!!

    21. Bell - AWARENESS!

    22. Moloney - speed

    23. McDonald - disposal, speed

    25. Cheney - disposal, speed, accountability

    26. Meesen - physicality, ruckwork, disposal, contested-marking

    27. Rivers - speed, strength, recapturing old form

    29. Newton - full-scale improvements required

    30. McNamara - body size and strength, speed, endurance

    32. Bruce - disposal and skills

    33. Wonaeamirri - endurance, fitness

    34. Martin - decision-making, skills, ruckwork, goal-kicking

    36. Davey - maintain consistency, kick more goals

    37. Warnock - skills, add more size

    39. Jetta - endurance, srength, skills, speed

    40. Jamar - skills decision-making, maintain improvements made, fitness- ie. injuries

    41. Bail - needs to improve across the board

    42. Spencer - co-ordination, mobility, kicking, decision-making, strength

    43. Bennell - size and strength, accountability

    44. Valenti - speed, speed

    48. Jurrah - endurance, size and strength

    49. McKenzie - kicking, speed

  7. The way it works is if you're a rookie you get a 1 year contract. The club has the option at the end of that year to extend that to a 2nd year, however you can also be delisted... The only time you're guaranteed a 2 year contract as a rookie is if you've moved from interstate. Like Jake Spencer, he would've been guaranteed two years because he moved to Melbourne from Queensland...

    So essentially, it's up to the club if they want to keep him on another year. Given this supposed weak draft, I really hope we hold onto him and keep him on for next season...

    Cheers for that.

  8. ^ LOL

    Well, I'm a big fan of Hughes and wanted him to get a game all year. Thought he deserved to be elevated ahead of McKenzie IMHO.

    I have a quick question though. Being rookie drafted for a second time at the end of last season (was on RL in 06, 07, delisted 08, then re-drafted 09) would he have been offered the 2-year contract all new rookies get, or is it possible he only got 1 year because it was his second stint on our RL?

    Because of his year off the list, does he effectively become a new rookie draftee again? Here's hoping he got two, because i'd really like to see him get a game next year.

  9. I thought Rohan was the most impressive player on the final day of the championships, other than Scully. Speed, awareness, marking, the way he moves and weaves in and out of traffic, and his strong defensive efforts all standouts. Skills could use a bit of polishing, but watching him live you can't help but feel there is really something special about the kid.

    Would be very happy to take him at 2, although i'm not sure the club will take that risk. But if they do, i have a feeling he'll certainly reward our courage.

  10. The first thing i noticed when i was watching him live at the championships was that his pace wasn't anything special. Maybe not slow, but no real line breaking ability at all. Ie. not quick.

    Will be a good player, but not sure we'll take him at 2.

  11. Wellman is the best thing to ever happen to the MFC defence in my lifetime. Must hold onto him at all costs!

    That said, i think Leppa'd be a handy acquisition to our FD in an assisteant/development coaching role if he is available.

  12. FWIW, I still think Sibosado could become anything. Going to Freo doesn't help, but i think many have been too harsh on the kid because he hasn't made an immediate impact.

    He's got serious talent to burn and if he can get his body right (he has OP and hasn't played since July), stay in games more consistently and build a solid fitness base, could be special in years to come. Contested high-marking forwards with skills and game sense like his are a rare commodity, however his inconsistency and perceived attitude issues do take away from his potential somewhat.

    Daw is a different prospect altogether in my mind. Doesn't have the same talent or awareness as Casey, but his strength, fitness, work-ethic, and dedication are unquestionable. Add to that his leap, agility and unbelieveable speed for his size, and he too could also be a special prospect. Much more of a Naitanui-type (an elite athlete learning the game), whereas Casey is a bit of a Jurrah-type (silky, natural footballer with freakish ability, but lacking fitness-base) IMO.

    If you could combine Sibosado's skills and footy smarts with Daw's athletic attributes and work-ethic, you'd pretty much have the best KPF prospect going around.

  13. Have you seen him play?

    Majak Daw is starting to become the Casey Sibsado of 2009..

    Have YOU seen him play?

    I dont think your being fair on Daw.

    Sibosado was more of a freak and is a lazy footballer.

    Daw on the other hand looks commited and is a midfielder/forward. Not too mention he is an athlete come footballer. Not just a forward! Alot more upside to Daw I would think!

    What he ^ said.

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