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Everything posted by layzie

  1. Needs a Tom Hawkins 2011 grand final performance.
  2. The last time I considered changing was when I was 6 years old, brother was a Geelong fan and I wanted to impress him. It lasted a day so probably doesn’t count.
  3. Is that like saying that Sydney didn’t play well we just played sh*t?
  4. Me too, last two years in Trident. Seriously considering going back to Redlegs on Level 1 next year.
  5. We will need to make McGovern accountable but a lot of this will be seen in our delivery inside 50. If we're going to bomb aimlessly again it will be Aliir all over again.
  6. Would it be too much to ask to at least consider Kent for this week?
  7. I can't see it either. Not right now on this delightful Tuesday afternoon anyway. I'd love to be able to don't get me wrong.
  8. No I'm with you there. My comment was to the original poster who claimed Hogan was done for the season before any announcements had been made, which unfortunately now we know to be the case
  9. Massive blow for him. If anyone deserved to be at the business end of the season it was him. Shocking news.
  10. I agree with the thoughts that he is more suited to being a true CHF player but we surely don't have many guys at all for this particular role?
  11. How do we have too many players for his position though? We have Weed who isn't up to it yet, Smith who is a bit parter and Pedo who is 32 next year. Don't see too many others fighting for his position long term?
  12. Appreciate your attitude. I'm more along the lines of MSFebey's thinking but don't stop being positive. We need people like you!
  13. Whoa dude! Not just jumping the gun here you're jumping the missile launcher!
  14. Accuracy against top 8 sides was a very interesting statistic. Blows the 'off day' theory out of the water.
  15. My thoughts exactly. Geelong twice, Port, Sydney, St Kilda. I don't believe I'm asking for the world when I say we only needed 1 of these, that's it. If we were talking about just one game then I can understand it being a bit rough but we now have a critical mass of data here to show we've had several stabs at it and come up short. Hey if we want to be a 9th to 12th team then that's fine because invariably you'll find that they lose close games too, its not just us.
  16. I am interested in a stat. The one about being in the 8 after Rd 23, are you in or are you out? I'm also interested in the stat of statement games against quality opposition RE: Port, Geelong, Sydney etc. Did you win or did you lose? Its pretty black and white. Inside 50 counts, scoring shots, clearances are totally irrelevant in that scenario.
  17. I hear you on both those passages. Especially the second one late in the 3rd quarter, massive error getting caught in no man's land there. No doubt it wasn't one of his better games for the club but I guess even the most experienced make mistakes. I know people will probably come back at me with plenty of other examples like the Geelong game but I still think he's serving a purpose overall.
  18. How did you go? I’ve thought about this before but I don’t want some poor receptionist to cop it.
  19. Can we get one of these bad boys to run on bath water?
  20. I’d really like to know who people are talking about when they accuse someone of drinking their own bath water because it always seems to be a faceless person or people.
  21. It feels like we’ve worked our way up to finally be a Richmond (pre success).
  22. Neither do I. Only meant it tongue in cheek. Something questioning your sanity would have been better.
  23. This is one of the more well put statements I’ve seen today. From the outside looking in it doesn’t seem impossible, but from the inside we have a mountain to climb now. If anyone is feeling optimistic about the next few weeks full credit but at the same time may god have mercy on your soul.
  24. Fairly sure its been mentioned in the post game thread, or any post loss game thread this year.
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