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Sir Why You Little

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Everything posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. Do you wish the club to win Premiership Cups in the next Decade or just be a nice social Club?? Ask yourself this question and then re read your post. Past Players would love to see 22 young kids win cups i assure you as would every MFC supporter. So many posters on here cannot make or see the tough decisions. It suprises me greatly, some of you are a bit scared of Melbourne being on top. It's been too long.....
  2. That is what i was thinking as i was reading this thread....This could give Cameron a few sleepless nights...
  3. That is not what i have gathered via those articles and what i have heard spoken-Brucey is looking at a pay cut, but with the option on the second year. So it depends on whether you count that second year. Far as i am concerned he has to play through 2011 yet.
  4. He got crunched really badly in the NAB Cup final didn't he? Never quite recovered after that Still a suprise, but then once you get close to 30......
  5. Yes it is sad that Cameron has caused this shitestorm, but i think the photograph earlier in this thread is how it will be remembered in the not too distant future. Cameron was offered a solid contract for next year, a year the club should make finals & he walked. Considering the contract deal he managed to sign 4 years ago, i find the whole thing most distasteful.
  6. I was thinking the same thing today....interested to hear
  7. We must continue to maximize our profits each year, so we can employ the best people as players and coaches (and all the other people who run our club) Debt Demolition should be seen as a start, not a finish. We have been behind so many clubs for too long. I am sure the club has many revenue streams set up now, but a properly run supporter fund raiser can always work-If we know where the money is going. If a great night is planned, i do not mind opening the wallett B)
  8. Great poster above btw. The one of Cam at the Rubbish bin. i have it now on my facebook page. B)
  9. People are born in this world as Leaders or Followers. I think we have some great Leadership emerging. Yes it is still learning, but they are leaders. In Round 1 2010 i saw one for sure. Jordie McKenzie. Gametime gives experience, Leadership comes from DNA
  10. I agree that article is really badly written.I think some people are not happy about Melbourne re-emerging as a force. People want Melbourne to stay the "nice" club. That said Cam Bruce is going to regret this decision in a big way. If he plays at Hawthorn for less money then he loses all my respect.
  11. Correct. Bruce was offered a one year deal, & did not take it. Thus we move on, he made his choice.
  12. Take the party to the Football, If the Demons win you can just go right off!
  13. "Melbourne Domination...The Envy of the Nation" i remember that one as a very young kid around the Southern stand-took up the whole stand. it was Massive.
  14. By June next year there is going to be a lot of Bogan Collingwood Babies born, that will be an international Tragedy.
  15. organize the party the week before. The MFC has been here with us since 1858, your GF a mere 20. And who knows the future, you may not be together by september 2011 B) hehehe
  16. I like the way the red has been softened up-shows the Jumpers better. Pay that one-Job well done. B)
  17. sure the club thought Bruce could play more Football. He was offered a one year contract. The speed of the game is going up each year. Any player over 30 should be offered no more than one year at a time.. Look at Brad Johnson for confirmation.
  18. I like the new banner,but i would have the Blue Background rather than red-Love Stynesy there, that's a cool touch.
  19. still always Best Available. Players are becoming more versatile now, and even with a glut, you can trade players for what you need at a later date.
  20. By thursday morning this will be a good read with the Muffin and Coffee! Carry on... B)
  21. HaHaHa! yeah i thought so, i could never find a melbourne one, Bloody Collingwood or St.kilda only at my local!!! B) I felt cheated.
  22. I prefer the smaller leadership group next year. I think players have to show leadership qualities before you elevate them.
  23. That was my thinking...it depends how much he wants to play AFL. Took Martin Pike a while to realize that sadly, but JA might work with a young side like Melbourne. I do not know him personally and i have heard rumblings like others, but definately worth some consideration with a late pick.
  24. Hey D O F were those trucks in your avatar the ones you could buy in the Post Office???
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