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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. well presumably the "Key Melbourne coterie supporters" are still there and still capable of getting up to their mischief and white-anting and leaking to the press?
  2. but "Key Melbourne coterie supporters" aren't employed by the club wyl
  3. anyone know why demonwiki is still down? is super around or on hols?
  4. i think we'd all like to see the old flash back so far signs are positive
  5. most presidents are invisible rgrs with the exception of few limelight-hoggers like eddie and jeff, who have other reasons for wanting visibility give me a run down by club of public statements by other presidents for comparison purposes boards and their members are normally seen little and heard less
  6. well it all depends which alias you are referring to Bob
  7. i swear to god doc i never said a word to maurie......cross my heart and spit i think dolly did though
  8. bad luck for smoothie drinkers but i think banana ones would be the exception - right?
  9. might i suggest that if you want the best chance of getting a meaningful answer that you email the club before hand stating that you will be asking the following question(s) at the agm and you would appreciate a frank and considered response at that time doesn't guarantee you will get an answer or one devoid of spin but at least it gives you a better chance and the club to research an answer if needed
  10. LOL- each "witness" makes an average of 5 statements - yeah sure. that's a heck of a lot of waterboarding you're struggling there fan
  11. your sincerity is palpable tim
  12. juddy's granma reckons he's 68kg wringing wet
  13. you have a fruiting banana tree in melbourne? you old green fingers you quite agree re gc. just had a second one on boxing day - sean douglas brother to lucas patrick and the best thing is their parents pick them up when you have had enough
  14. had the grandson (3yo) over today we baked a banana cake (packet variety) very nice it was too
  15. is the club's princes park time trial actually 3km or 3.185km old dee could bundle that with his dark red question could also ask why we wear a clash jumper against the Aints when it is a bigger clash than the home jumper
  16. after bottom drawering it for a month
  17. you should ask the questions on issues that are bothering YOU you should do this regardless of whether you think you will get a proper answer or not the questions and answers (or lack of) will be there for all members to judge for themselves don't cop out, if you feel strongly about something SPEAK UP. its YOUR agm its not rocket science folks
  18. Why? Didn't work for Eichmann when he tried it. nor most others at Nuremberg
  19. you'r right CBF, bad recruiting and poor development this sheets home to the FD and thankfully it has been (virtually) completely changed and expanded with personnel who'll take no shyte (it seems) DB might have been a nice bloke but he didn't have the experience or temperament to stand up and grab the FD by its balls 2013 will be a real make or break year for many. i'm quietly hopeful but keeping my powder dry
  20. yes, its a bit like the police running a corruption inquiry into the police. lacks genuine independence and tends to be self-serving
  21. yeah more great revealing stuff like ashen-faced executives lurching about after games...........can't wait
  22. keep 'em coming Jack....i can see a pullitzer in the offing i'm confident you will find the holy grail
  23. BBO 183cm 130kg
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