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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. heads up - right red and navy (with just a touch of white for rpfc) on special at catch of the day
  2. so you really blame the libs for ford leaving in 2017? in that case you must blame labor for mitsubishi and ford leaving? seems to me to be a very narrow and partisan view which ignores the economic and business realities
  3. not at all governance applies at all those levels, it's not just reserved for boards
  4. ?? only last year julia did a deal with holden where she announced publicly that holden's future in australia was safe for the next 10 years was julia lying? was holden lying?
  5. for a person who was so adamant on good governance and transparency at the mfc you now seem to be saying that that is secondary to kpis when judging the afl i can't see how achieving the ends justifies dodgy means when it comes to good governance you are not being very consistent and looking like a ad fanboi
  6. at what % does a decline become a plummet?
  7. i understood the syndication stuff was separate from bc3 there is also talk the $190M may be $500M (the 190 being just one "bank" account)
  8. spin it anyway you like rhino we all know deep down the afl didn't give us a pp because of the tanking/disrepute issue they in fact punished us twice - one officially and then for good measure once more unofficially to make matters worse they didn't even have the transparency or guts to say so whether you think it was the right thing or the moral thing, it was still a corruption of process whether we received other assistance is another issue of course we have come to expect this type of back hand management from the afl sue is right and you as usual are stubborn and blinkered i'll not lose any sleep over the afl's pp decision, nor your opinion
  9. that's correct. handed over (seized) to court previously, now can be handed over to police
  10. au contraire maurie, court has now ruled legal coy files must be handed over you should know the wheels of justice turn slowly
  11. not necessarily od if he got in early and cashed out his dividends and was in a higher pyramid position he might break even or have just a small "real" loss i guess we'll never know because i'm sure those who cashed out any dividends (rather than reinvest) won't be disclosing
  12. i don't understand redleg if every other potential buyer's vets were against it, how come the price reached $5M? wouldn't this indicate there was some spirited bidding? otherwise shouldn't bc3 have got him for a song?
  13. seems essendrug are quite capable of keeping and retaining records after all now if only they could find those pesky player supplements records Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/dean-robinsons-legal-action-against-essendon-could-put-heat-on-afl-executives-20131209-2z1uz.html#ixzz2n1FCnbEE
  14. that's pretty rough for someone so young
  15. me too
  16. also operated without receipts, just trust apparently does make you wonder doesn't it could be just plain greed
  17. not eligible for swans roos only had 87 games for swans is eligible for paddle pops because >100 games with royboys that is if he elects to be a fs
  18. ah good. i'll let you get back to your punishment meditation sessions i hope you haven't got them in the same cell
  19. where's biffo? did he get a vacation too along with bbo and stuie?
  20. very nice of you to say so choke you're one of my favourite posters too
  21. when it comes to marketing to schoolgirls the saints would rate very high
  22. i imagine it would come more from outside pressures including the media i don't think the clubs vote on it, nor would it be allowed to be so blatant it would be an afl commission decision and i doubt it would be a sacking more a case of an engineered resignation, then dressed up as moving on to new challenges etc of course he could always jump before being asked to whichever, he is definitely getting on the nose and there could be more "embarrassments" to follow
  23. i don't doubt we didn't get a PP for that (unstated) reason (call it tanking or disrepute) i just point out (as redleg says) the dishonest process (and non transparent way) that the afl handled it Dimwit will only have himself to blame if he is forced out (though he's not the only one to blame in afl house)
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