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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. i prefer the big lies these days od
  2. i think she should have said say what you like, definitely not do what you like
  3. sado-masochism is something you just get or you don't....not much middle ground jumbo
  4. maybe they really meant that essendrug was playing political games........oh no, they wouldn't have done that pot kettle black
  5. i went to see don mclean once at the hilton (free tickets from work) he was terrible.....sang a lot of boring religious songs seemed (to me) that american pie was his one and only noteworthy song the warm-up act (black, female, can't remember name) completely outclassed him ah well..........maybe that was why i scored the freebies, but at least the food was good
  6. extra word - whiteboard wednesday
  7. to be honest i'd never heard of colin wisbey until i read this thread - lol
  8. the article in the hun said ex richmond and port player. apparently we don't exist.......nothing new here
  9. as i said no-one........well, maybe a west australian frog
  10. no-one apparently........it's just a concept home........doesn't exist
  11. seems you claim clairvoyant powers too now d-l good luck with danny boy
  12. i'm intrigued by your definition of "fresh" air d-l but i suppose it fits your world view another term of either party should be of some concern
  13. not zero od their is a latrine block on the grass close to aami there is also a few trees and of course a few used water bottles then there is always the direct gravity-fed drainage directly to turf option does wong's have trees?
  14. just for you f log, the man with 5 dunnies
  15. i am hopeful that at least there will be a decent sanitation report my information is that wong's latrines are worse or on a par of those that grace gosch's paddock
  16. some memories from od's youth and more and even more.......gee od had a good time
  17. i don't think so
  18. the paleolithic period ended approx 10,000 years ago and at that time the human brain size was much as it is today the neanderthals actually had a bigger brain than current hominids the human brain has actually been shrinking (marginally) over the the last 28,000 years just saying....
  19. it's probably amounts to the same thing but strangely they were given the choice......weird
  20. dare i say it? could 2015 be his breakout year?
  21. you could send a poxy proxy along biffo
  22. wouldn't have said kernahan was a great communicator but he made it to club prez just saying
  23. please nut, don't remind me, my wife still hasn't got over it
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