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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. past history aside, i can't see any point in it and anyway didn't he just hate the trip to casey fields
  2. there is also a good quality whole game (2 halves) copy on ology under "full replays"
  3. relax lads we'll be back at the G within 5 years
  4. um why? why are they any different to heaps of other municipalities?
  5. my post bb, was in response to post #10047 where wolfmother claimed there are no missing records
  6. not sure what your point is mono i don't doubt at all that essendon kept detail records what i was questioning is where is the proof that asada have these detailed records in their possession
  7. there is no info on the detailed records of who/what/when/dosage etc mentioned asada's list could come from a number of sources including "suggested" supplements and dosages on the consent form the players signed and from invoiced details and on other non-essendon sources http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/hird-was-warned-the-inside-story-on-essendons-drug-scandal-20130821-2savu.html where is your proof of essendon's detailed records that one would expect of such a large scale operation?
  8. we have had the longest running comedy show in the world should be in the guiness book of records
  9. sorry biffo, i thought you told me to get everyone behind the shooter(up) party next time supply me a how to vote card
  10. y i think though in their modified paleo diet they will in fact carbo load just before games (or so i heard somewhere)
  11. ah the well known chernobyl red beaked duck
  12. "run both ways" wtf is that supposed to mean, i mean, c'mon who can't run both ways (unless it's a slur on one's sexual orientations)
  13. taking a breather tonight bbo GKs minding wouldn't seem right anyway, what with jazza on his back in hospital with all those nurses
  14. like i said "no-one sane". QED
  15. yep, it works great for pain relief there are many complaints that hospitals/medicos overuse it and fail to adequately disclose/monitor its risks otoh jazza, if you have any left it is quite valuable on the black market, hence its nickname of hillbilly heroin
  16. yep, endone - morphine based keep use to a minimum, some bad stories of side effects another one is oxycodone - also morhine based often used in conjunction, one is fast acting and the other slow release
  17. crawf, i think od would argue that he already carries many scars from previous bouts of optimistic fantasy, faith and belief and is inoculating himself from possible false dawns by cloaking himself in pragmatism. his approach strikes a chord of resonance in many but maybe he would be better served by not voicing his misgivings so frequently and vociferously
  18. what? morphine.......hillbilly heroin - lol
  19. check out his draft highlights video his kicking is excellent, in fact his first job should be kicking coach for his big brother yeah, i know its just a highlights video but technique totally different.....watch it
  20. just a lot of lottery tickets bought today results in three years still haven't lost a game for three months now
  21. more likely the winner is the one who didn't lose it
  22. shocking so sad rip hughesy
  23. how did you know that? i couldn't work it out myself
  24. i wonder where are the "nurses" in the outside establishment who administered the injections where are their interviews? did they know what they injected? if not why not? were all the injection vials labelled? were they registered health workers? these weren't essendon people, they should be traceable
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