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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. see what i mean.................sigh
  2. biffo's mate obviously
  3. another one with a comprehension problem
  4. you seem to have completely missed the point c&b ah well i can't be bothered talking to a brick wall
  5. your paucity of historical knowledge is sadly evident, h_h
  6. that's ridiculous, it's got nothing to do with whether the players are the same or even the staff the only thing of interest is whether the team is improving regardless of personnel i only pointed out that 2013 was an unusual year with a caretaker coach for half a year and more data would be better to get a better base-line of patheticicity
  7. from big footy http://www.bigfooty.com/forum/threads/tribunal-told-bombers-texted-each-other-about-%E2%80%98thymo%E2%80%99-injections.1084216/page-7 #159
  8. for a better picture you should include at least 2012 (neeld only coached 11 games in 2013) and probably bails' last year 2011
  9. yes, they probably substitute rice starch (or corn starch?) for wheat starch in gluten free snags sausages are like the draft - a real lottery
  10. that's funny. i haven't seen any evidence yet seems neither side is leaking for a change seems we have to wait a little longer before panicking of course those afflicted with mfcss can start shyting themselves straight away and firing up the microwave
  11. +1 a major flaw which i don't recall anyone trying to justify
  12. and complete with cricket scores too
  13. seems the scores are in camera too
  14. billy, as far as i'm concerned interchange is no different than starting 18 they are just as much a part of the forwards/backs/mids as the others they typically have similar amount of game time so the distinction is moot
  15. that's closer than you think moonie better not say any more or the pc brigade will have my apricots
  16. couple of visits to dr ageless will fix that up in no time
  17. capital letters are so bourgeios moonie
  18. ah gotcha the hmas palmersaurus
  19. http://instagram.com/p/wnpfA_je_j/?modal=true
  20. you got any other theories then biffo, on why they need to train in maroochy? male bonding?
  21. liked the last selfie f log. that your twin bro with you?
  22. moonie, try reading dante's original comedy (well a translation anyway) and see if you get the humour
  23. not necessarily so. a large percentage of sausages these days are gluten free
  24. nice to see the media at their hyperbolic best "a dark day in the history of australia" "australia's largest city in lockdown" "a day that changed australia forever" etc can't wait to read the rags tomorrow
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