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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. bing, i doubt anyone has any illusions about the last 10 years it didn't take adding imports to the lg to prove that....it has been obvious to anyone/everyone for some time anyway, i think they have got the lg pretty right for now
  2. just to be a little bit picky (or anal) but i find this "97% of the scientific community" to be a bit of a hoary old chestnut i don't understand what it means. it is too vague, even unscientific 97% of scientists don't even work in the field of climate science many scientists who do work in this field only work in very specialised sub-sections how many years working as a scientist gets you included in this group what is the defintion of a "scientist" anyway and what exactly are they all agreeing on (apart from general statements like "climate change is real") yep a bit anal, but that's just me. i hate generalised sweeping statements that just get thrown around in any context
  3. choke, have a look at the temp scale on the left hand side what do you define as significant?
  4. can someone put up a global temp graph for say 1950-2014 so we can see if there is any cherry picking
  5. all very nice sentiments hardtack and i don't disagree with the sentiment what i object to is any suggestion that effective carbon reduction would not be hugely expensive a "few dollars" of course may be a start but is not in any way a representation of the cost (yes, i know the argument of doing nothing could be more expensive in the long term)
  6. and how much will that amount of money reduce the 2000 CO2 levels? face it hardtack, you are just guessing. your "few dollars" comment was ill-conceived at best
  7. consider it dunn?
  8. if only it was "just a few dollars out of the hip pocket"
  9. of course governments should do what they can do within obvious limits to clean up their act whether you believe in anthropomorphic global warning or not (or are fence sitting) there is still a need to minimise pollution, destruction of the environment, depletion of finite resources and better sustainability. i still shake my head why unprecedented global population growth is not near the top of the agenda. too many taboos maybe. governments globally co-operating for the common good? good luck with that one
  10. well you could set a good example with your avatar. maurie
  11. no shortage of chutzpah out at the hangar. that's for sure
  12. as long as all the players get an honorary degree or doctorate it might work i presume roosy would get an emeritus professorship
  13. bub, i take it you don't believe mr dank, as he promised, is going to ride into the afl hearing on his white charger and prove everyone did no wrong?
  14. melbourne's own don quixote or victoria's dreyfus don't answer - rhetorical
  15. yep, certainly a certain uncertainty, et
  16. talk is there might be another bush running for prez in good old us now there is something to bring back the nightmares
  17. nailed it beautifully the second time. hemo
  18. biffo is having his bi-annual rehab and de-tox lock-up. he's too shakey to help you jazza, can't even focus on a keyboard
  19. think leo has been having a lend of you, beats
  20. silly me, and i thought you favourite position was actually inside a bar in se asia watching the tv
  21. just out of interest od, but what cap do you wear to the toilet? i'm envisioning something like a collingwood cap
  22. settle down nut. the die is cast. like the golden boy it is just a question of time for walks-like-putin tony. if it is any consolation the current stink and disaffection with politics and politicians across the board is a common theme across western democracies i'm hearing the exact same stuff from uk and us friends would you believe there is a movement in the uk for compulsory voting, to avoid nutcase minorities from hijacking the political process through electoral apathy
  23. you are forgiven my son in future beware and resist flights into delusional thinking. they are the work of the devil
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