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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. danniherish - up and down
  2. ta, i see it now 1 vs ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IE9D68M__gA
  3. i saw this coming and just hoped our batting can be very danniherish and we are carrying a couple without a total they can now play safe....bit over 3 an over....test pace
  4. according to hun in november he was 187cm and 86kg where did you get your 181..........and thin?
  5. whack!
  6. maybe earl. both hydrogen sulphide and methane are often found together and both are flammable and poisonous are you denying it indicates global warming? so the ivans got bogle and the yellow peril got holt? makes sense to me
  7. but we know that they were injected "thymosin" and at doses you would use for tb4 and not for thymomodulin they need to explain that i wonder if they found invoices for thymodulin (at the appropriate market value)
  8. reminds me of the bogle-chandler case (mysterious gases come from the river) never occurred to me it could have be caused by gw
  9. still playing the victim and talking on behalf of the players and the club (who didn't want his previous appeal)
  10. what's the cut-off time for jaque's high court appeal
  11. not disagreeing but was dank really an employee? or was he a subcontractor or external consultant? does this even make a difference?
  12. 9 (3 6) Disp, 2 Marks, 2 FreesAgainst, 2 Tackles (full time)
  13. left out steviej
  14. you can "read" the last two? i need the name of your optometrist
  15. just like col?
  16. it means you really need to buy those new clubs you saw despite the cost and your wife's objections
  17. dwellers gotta be dwellers, hemmers. it's human nature. it's why so much of the world is tribal if you scratch the surface.
  18. 27,066 needs to start moving a bit quicker
  19. hmmm i don't know what's worse. your dreaming of the golden boy or climate armageddon seems you are stuck between a rock and a hard place, pm a few early wins by the boys may be your salvation to a good nights sleep......let's hope
  20. you make it sound like a religion earl do i have a time limit before i am excommunicated? will i lose my head to some gw jihadist? i'll let you know when they get the global climate predictor model working
  21. no one mentioned jonno brown
  22. if that was true we would have picked him with pick 2
  23. firstly i didnt claim anything here is what i said "are we to assume that pro gw scientists don't receive grants from private self interested corporations?" ​an enormous amount of scientific research is funded these days by large corporates, multinationals and private conglomerates of various flavours it is the capitalist way. and where there is money there is often self interest it also doesn't always mean it is corrupting and has strings attached i'm not going on an extensive search for your benefit as i merely posed the question as i think it highly likely that some pro gw scientists have funding from pro gw groups or groups that have a financial interest in the gw economy. there is not necessarily anything wrong with that. there could or could not be, it all depends, but i'm not naive enough to think that where money is involved that everything is squeaky clean your mileage may vary
  24. of course all bets off if he is a carlton supporter
  25. you might be correct, and i'm not pro or anti soon. wouldn't even know his research except it's to do with solar activity but your quote from "many experts" is not facts. it is in just anonymous opinions claimed by a journalist. not worth the paper it is written on as for mr schmidt that is also opinion as he cites no evidence or scientific papers on his claim of "probably no more than 10 percent" i'm only being a devil's advocate here bing, it's too easy to play the man and not the ball
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