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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. no need to import. with global warming i expect burwood will become a viable banana growing district. i am already experimenting with cultivars
  2. quite true dr john, some of those have stood the test of time as you were no doubt aware my reference to entrails was metaphorical which seems to have escaped col further more my allegorical comment seems to have gone straight through to the keeper
  3. thanks col, you just confirmed my observation
  4. your ability to read the entrails is as flawed as your posting, col
  5. good man.....stay cool......have fun
  6. found this on a us site and here, finished off
  7. at this stage i have no reason to believe the "pain-killer" story may be true, may be not athletes who get caught in testing always come up with a similar excuse
  8. let's just hope the match tribunal does take 6 months to get around to hearing a charge
  9. you've got to admit, bbo, that when it comes to culture and sophistication jazza is streets ahead of you i guess that's only to be expected when you are a part-time camel herder
  10. forgodssakedommystopspittingthedummytoughenuypandsmelltherosesitsonlyafanforumafterallbutwedoappreciategoodgrammarandreadability
  11. correct, od
  12. lol- at least wait for all the appeals to complete, bub
  13. sounds similar to the warnie defense
  14. for god's sake man, show a bit of pride
  15. abc article implies it is not a performance drug but an illicit drugs under he 3 strikes ploicy
  16. don't know about winery, red, but demonland makes a fine whinery
  17. most of the 3Q was ok, worth watching we were unlucky (wind) to not score quite a few more goals
  18. a paleo diet and lots of gym work seems advisable at least till the 31st, hardtack then we can hit the popcorn (....maybe)
  19. you can bet that somehow the tab was ultimately picked up by the tax payer, earl
  20. almost as bad as isis tearing down nimrud cultural sacrilege......now condemned to the great world wide bit bucket......sigh
  21. if you are referring to http://demonland.com/forums/index.php?/topic/38032-why-is-the-mfc-so-absolutely-hopeless-when-it-comes-to-giving-media-coverage-to-their-games/#entry1058917 oh come on....are you serious
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