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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. this does get quite somantic doesn't it. some (many) would argue that homo sapiens sapiens doesn't have any races at all the definition of what constitutes a "race" is much debated. it gets worse when you toss in dna genotyping anyway, instead of talking about racial vilification it may be more appropriate (in many circumstances) to refer to ethnic vilification
  2. a player manager is a bit like a real estate agent or financial consultant who does he truly represent, you or himself. classic conflict of interest
  3. it was certainly a better show when donoghue (connell) was there at 3aw, and when it was on 3rrr as LG&M, but still holds it's ratings.
  4. why? yes i suppose i believe burns. i don't think he is at all racist and the circumstances don't lend themselves to such a comment i think something was heard, maybe misheard and maybe out of context....it happens i think late on sunday burns was convinced to make a nothing statement in order to put the issue to bed of course i could be mistaken, but what makes you so certain of his guilt? do you know something we don't?
  5. here is the Hun's take on it http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/aw-breakfast-co-host-john-burns-apologises-for-bachar-houli-terrorist-slur-he-cant-recall/story-fni5f22o-1227323935136 for those who don't know "Bulltish Artist of the Week" refers to a segment 3aw runs on Breakfast show hosted by burns and stevenson burns was a guest of richmond at the game, invited by steve price a richmond supporter he was seated with price with gillom mc seated behind and the informant seated somewhere in front who claimed he overhead a conversation given this environment i find it hard to believe he would have called houli a terrorist price says he had no recollection and he is a richmond supporter anyway, all a bit strange to me
  6. does s&m constitute abuse when it is consensual, bbo?
  7. all true jack, but this matter should never have got media publicity in the first place unfortunately 1984 is already here and nothing is private and youth can find a way to see anything no matter what. and it will only get more so in future
  8. don't worry about bbo, jara. no radio in romsey, so he would have no idea
  9. i think he's passionate, but working beside a mad hawthorn supporter in ross would take the edge off you
  10. forget the nab challenge tsfka, it means absolutely zilch
  11. hmmm, must remember that. don't tell biffo though
  12. we get the frustration bb and i hope (though doubt) wada take them on this is like how the cops know who the crims are but putting them away is a different matter they only got capone into jail because of a slip up with his tax return
  13. stop being so childish dd36. i gave much more information than that are you incapable of using google or do you just prefer having your hand held?
  14. well if you read the previous posts you wouldn't have asked "Who the F is this guy??"
  15. lots of things in this case raise serious questions and ring alarm bells.........but that doesn't amount to evidence (unfortunately)
  16. anything is a step up from fb
  17. 3aw breakfast has been the no 1 rated radio breakfast time slot for years and years not everybody spends all day on fb
  18. maybe but maybe also said something that was taken out of context i listen a lot to 3aw breakfast show and it would seem to me to be out of character for burns to say that so far i haven't heard what the exact words the informant (sitting in front of him) said he overheard
  19. it's worth consideration comment was made that his kicking was improved
  20. he's a very well known radio man on the popular 3aw morning session with ross stevenson and well known as a demon supporter. his style is comedic. he is an ex barrister. he was with steve price at the richmond ground he claims he has no memory of saying any such comment and steve price also claims no memory
  21. sounds like "why are women walking around the streets after midnight without security" etc type argument he's perfectly entitled to even if some think it inadvisable. doesn't give any drunk any rights to harass him anyway, a complete storm in a tea-cup. no-one hurt, nothing to see here, too many sports journalists, not enough news
  22. he's an american, why would he give a toss
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