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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. all very interesting sp but.....tell us what you really think. do you think the took wada banned substances and got away with it (so far)?
  2. well done red can we get you to repeat this at all breaks for the rest of the season?
  3. well this week was 1 next week is 2 then hawthorn is 3 misson says 2 to 3, what's so hard to understand, stuie?
  4. well you shouldn't take your bad judgement out on the rest of us you've had priors and you should have known better
  5. think he meant knocked out of the game, not knocked-out as in unconscious i remember big nick being knocked out of a grand final
  6. did you have a bad day today, moonie?
  7. maybe you could explain how they could do their job professionally in only 7 1/2 hours a week
  8. you're not saying anything new,
  9. errrr, are you an adjudicator, moonie
  10. or thrashed and spiflicated
  11. Hun didn't even have him in demons best players, despite having him as top points scorer by a long shot says a lot of the hun....probably didn't even have a journo there
  12. at least it qualifies him for the rising star of the week award, mandee
  13. part of the problem is that umpires are part timers. the job is too difficult and stakes too high to continue with part timers
  14. all very true.....but i still don't see your point sounds like a classic strawman argument unless you are really saying that efc should be given a free ticket because they weren't the first at least with the tanking issue there was plenty of evidence that previously the afl had no qualms about list management there certainly was no evidence that the afl condoned the taking of peds.
  15. wrt to the garland manhandling that resulted directly in a mark and goal to fyfe ,,,,,why didn't any of the other 2 umpires intervene i was further away than all 3 and i could see it i've yet to see one umpire disagree or override another. you see it in other codes a disagreement should end up in either a ball-up or after a consult a reversal or non-reversal
  16. personally i think we didn't go wines, because when toumpas, who all the media rated higher, suddenly became available, it might look like nepotism if viney picked wines a case of not taking your original option. i'll bet toumpas wasn't scrutinised anywhere as much as wines as he wasn't expected to be in the mix
  17. geez, it must be getting hard to #standbywatts
  18. very experienced working with "beyond reasonable doubt" but how experienced were they working with "comfortable satisfaction" in a sporting tribunal?
  19. sorry, my bad need brain cells serviced
  20. and there was that offer of jordan lewis for [forgot? ferguson?] - huge loss
  21. well it is a jack watts thread,rpfc, not a midfield thread your deflections are looking like a strawman
  22. alpacas are just pygmy camels if women milk camels who or what milks alpacas? i'll let you ponder that
  23. bloody schneider allows ninthmond to slip from 9th to 10th for the injectors
  24. schnieder missed two goals in last 3 minutes!
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