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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. maurie,. did you do a scratch instal (ie format disk, start anew) or an upgrade instal (preserving previous data and non windows programs etc)? in know people who have had no problems and others who have had endless problems. caveat emptor
  2. the two aren't necessarily incompatible though in my book essendon have now lost the chance of any deal
  3. when a line wraps, it does single spacing like this ghghghgv hghghg hghghgh jhghghg hghghg ghghgh hghghghg hghghghg hghghgh hghghg hghghg hghghg hghghghg ghghghgh hghghggh jhjhjhjh but when i press new line {enter} it skips two lines (double spacing) like this and this how can i force single spacing when using new line {enter}?
  4. i understand (don't take my word for it) that after upgrading and if not happy you can revert back to a checkpoint just before update, and that there is some time limit for this but that was just a vague recollection. be sure to take adequate backups in case and do some research
  5. only about 10 million warnings via google, bj. but go ahead and be adventurous. you might be one of the lucky ones. are you installing from scratch or upgrading over a previous version?
  6. think that is way too high, chris there are lots of junior mbrs, country mbrs, interstate mbrs, overseas mbrs, concession mbrs, 3 game mbrs etc, etc i'm guessing it is way short of $200 avg, so less than 14m gross. no idea what the net return would be
  7. oh but they do have a lowly status, od they have caused the afl great grief and embarrassment. not only that but taking them to court. you might think they are soft on essendon, but that is just the appearance given because the afl are just protecting their own brand you don't really believe essendon are in a great bargaining position with the afl do you?
  8. strength was never his problem. ask dangermouse
  9. for all those people who used to argue "suck it up" and "you can't beat city hall", maybe they could explain how essendon has convinced the afl to have a clash jumper in just red and black. especially given essendon's current lowly status. i'll be waiting.
  10. he already did, od, a loong time ago
  11. what is "red"? yeah, i know our red is dark
  12. yep, it's there now
  13. i get the same as maurie on win7 + chrome........fyi
  14. as long as they bend to the will of the state, that should be fine, earl
  15. agree, but why are we arguing about his interpretation of a graph, as though it is meaningful the question in this case should be more about the validity/invalidity of satellite lower atmosphere temperature readings. and the argument is not about post industrial warming, but rather why the climatologists model predictions got the last 18 years wrong, if in fact they did
  16. brave man, using win10
  17. i must have missed something. when did aly get his qualifications as a climate scientist? his opinion on agw is no more useful than any poster's opinion on demonland
  18. bingo.......guilty as charged
  19. i thought it must be lindsay's name in chinese
  20. I think the lack of an afl yellow ribbon, banana round answers your question on where the afl stands.
  21. seems so. sometimes it was handy
  22. you've been on demonland for 15 hours? wow!
  23. i can't cop him full stop. how he gets a gig is beyond me
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