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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. and i look forward to watching cloke, elliot and howe colliding in mid air. it might even make the air crash investigations show on tv
  2. saty, with the sub gone i don't think there is any such thing any more as a bench player. just 22 players all of who get a rest on the bench at some time. you don't pick a bench player any more just the best 22 according to positional requirements. it's fairly common to see one or more key players on the bench now at the start of a quarter. of course during a game if one player is having a bad day he is likely to spend more time on the bench but with an average of <1 rotation per quarter per player this will likely only be minor. younger players with few games may spend longer on the bench, but overall there is not much scope for any player to monopolise the bench unless injured
  3. lot of anger there, doc. not pathetic, just sad. adios
  4. all seems very unsavoury, earl, but it is just history repeating itself. everyone has their price
  5. and i read today the number is 8 and they are looking for a key position player
  6. coached by malthouse. haha. serves them right but i agree, many will try and treat them like royalty. i can't see why sir james couldn't coach them
  7. i'll just leave you to your discombobulation then
  8. you can stop the semantic roundabout doc lets cut to the chase, bing was attempting (crudely and illogically) to defend his apparent faith in the accuracy of scientific global warming modelling via a totally unrelated event that only had the term model in common it's not that hard to understand
  9. who said billy was gone?
  10. good pickup m9, i had a suspicion he was all over the place, but thought i may have mixed him up with someone else
  11. ch9 has issued a statement that gary is taking a rest from all media commitments because of a serious mental condition
  12. stuie as the billy stand-in? i never knew that
  13. In the rugby 7s final NZ defeated Aus with a try in the dying seconds. They had 8 men on the field at the time. An inquiry has found they indeed had 8 men on field but they ruled that the score (and the championship) should stand, giving some logic that sounded more like spin from an essendon supporter
  14. so who's got a small penis for the billy role?
  15. biffo could be the purple warrior?
  16. slobbo? at least it would be funny even though painful
  17. well sometimes the leaps of faith by the other side are equally telling. no need to gild the lilly by illogical metaphors. just saying
  18. you eat millions of tonnes of bananas in a year, earl? well not good enough. i eat trillions of tonnes in just a week!
  19. it's comments like that that make me think of religion
  20. well if it is forced double there is no way to get a single line if it is forced single then i can get double just by pressing enter twice plus it saves real estate and is good for the environment and global warming
  21. no need to be crass, nut. you are ruining deluded's blog
  22. but.....all the experts here on land re clash jumpers will tell you red is a dark colour and can't be used as a light clash jumpers
  23. given essendon's generous contribution to schadenfreude recently, it seems very appropriate that the cas court hearings will be conducted in the deutsche sprache
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