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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. you don't want to be down-wind of the gatwick, red
  2. The Dirty Dozen " You're gonna take the jabs, jobe, or I'll stomp your brains in!"
  3. i live for the day that the media get a quarter of the story correct
  4. you don't mean you're going to bare your ........ ?
  5. only if someone can re-create that magic swimming pool
  6. the aftermath, which sounds quite topical now
  7. the yeshivah one seems worse as i understand the victim (whistle-blower) and his family are still virtual outcasts in their own community
  8. as i said to chris.......whatever. your choice, mate
  9. why do you think i called it unique?
  10. lol, od, if i want a "unique shopping experience" i go to ikea for free
  11. fmd c&b, you are being as obstinate as stuie we are only really talking about being charged for printing it on your own printer, not about the ticketing commission
  12. but no-one outside of demonland will know why chris didn't go. there are more meaningful ways to make your protest
  13. well don't support the don's in any way, just come along to support the dees and make the best point possible by thrashing them it really is unfair on the team by not turning up, especially as it is only the second game of the season. c'mon chris (and mandee) you're better than that
  14. that's exactly what my grandson says when he's trying to put one over pop, so you can understand my reticence towards your pov
  15. i doubt hulett is currently only 90kg unless the camera is lying
  16. this solidarity march with suspended players (now ironically suing essendon) before the ess-mlb game will not be a good look for the afl and sport in general gill the weak should be doing some quick back-room negotiations to dumb this down a bit but i doubt anyone will listen
  17. photographing calves is much more dangerous than catching frisbees
  18. what better satisfaction could you get than witnessing a jolly good thrashing?
  19. how about #STANDBYCLEANSPORT in 6' letters
  20. so hunger gave him brain damage?
  21. me too, bitters, i expect we'll give them a jolly good thrashing
  22. you should try costco, they charge you to shop there - every year too
  23. i have the same but only for hard copy if you elect to get bill via email you can chose multiple one-off payment methods for NO charge when you receive email so, don't need direct debit or hard-copy mail
  24. hate to say it luci but the vatican and "appalling ethics, corruption and double standards" have been bed-fellows for many, many centuries organised-religion (not necessarily religion) is the problem because it has been allowed to be supposedly "self-regulating"
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