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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. good luck jack. i really hope you get a new start at another club. you always handled yourself impeccably and deserve your life membership.
  2. heard he's not much chop but i don't want to lambast him, but if we can fleece methcoast i'm all for it
  3. that's a bit harsh, chook only joking..... one drop kick to another - lol played junior footy and cricket against max. nice down-to-earth guy, always liked a laugh - rip, big fella
  4. are those pancakes or pikelets, mandee? might be important
  5. nice informative post, luci. hope you can keep it up to date
  6. hey froggy, we need you to get to work and find out what jesse is up to over there. we want all the details. i know we can count on you
  7. did it feel like losing a grand final? or did you say "oh what the heck, what's the harm"
  8. the way sydney is expanding doc, hopping dicks creek must be a suburb of sydney by now. next you'll have the chinese buying up all the land for apartments. lol
  9. in know i'm the odd one out, but i never warmed to cometti. too much of a narcissist. much like me
  10. huh? did you actually read my post i was saying the complete opposite to choke because he just referred only to insurance payments sheesh, jnr
  11. if the 18 games is so important, play 22 rounds but any non afl listed player can only play 18 games. more non listed players then get a game however with so many stand-alone teams it may be getting harder to justify 18 games
  12. nice little bit of prize money there, jack, especially when converted to $aud
  13. agreed, but it is still a short time from guilt to premiership (if they win) so i was wondering if the sydney public have goldfish memories or don't give a $hit
  14. in some cases yes, but i think in the main it is shithouse reading and spelling directives that are forced on teachers by the lunatic ideologues in the education department
  15. wonder if there will be mass vomiting in sydney town if tb4-cronulla win of course we know there will be if storm wins but for different reasons
  16. agree neither will be ready 2017, unless something amazing happens
  17. that's not my understanding, iva. many peds are also used therapeutically for genuine medical reason. There has always been provision for athletes to get exemptions for special situations and under special strict conditions (dosage, documentation, who, why, when) sometimes (not always) including a period of non competing. there shouldn't necessarily be anything sinister in that as long as the procedures are followed
  18. http://www.britishathletics.org.uk/EasysiteWeb/getresource.axd?AssetID=219&type=Full&servicetype=Attachment
  19. actually it's 3 weeks and 5 days (the day before the next game) and on that day it becomes 2 games in 3 weeks and 6 days which is still less than a month and on that day it also becomes 3 games in 3 weeks and 7 days which is also less than a month (an avg month in football season being 4 weeks 2.5 days) so, i find it very misleading to say 1 game in a month conveniently ignoring the day before and after, and still being short of a month anyway, i now know where you are coming from. (btw i didn't need to study hard at school )
  20. i'd be surprised if the club isn't handling it in the most professional way, abe. no matter how frustrating it may be to them.....and us there is obviously much much more between the lines that we will probably never know
  21. plus, i'd add that the players must carry some guilt ( we can argue how much till the cows come home). consequently it's fair to expect that the player's role in this should have some impact on their football career and consequently their earnings from it. The question then is how much punishment should the players bear, and this is where we probably won't get much agreement. I agree the club has been "hurt" less than the players in terms of impact and that is another argument.
  22. goody will fixit it. he will have a plan b and will be a better game-day coach i hope
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