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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. plus, banana bashing should be subject to immediate banishment
  2. the hard copy was worse with headline "Honour without Glory" in huge letters right across the front page
  3. if you read the electronic version then be aware the printed version seems to have more of the same, add warner to slobbo too
  4. WARNING unless you have a particularly strong stomach i would strongly urge you not to read today's hun. It is all that was predicted and more
  5. he was a good footballer before he went full-time b-ball. you don't forget how to ride a bike, just get a little rusty
  6. well we disagree then moonie. as does the ioc. a "long time" didn't stop the afl retrospectively awarding brownlows to those who lost on the then rules of countback either. it may well be within the afl's purvey to award no winner, but if i was cotchin or mitchell i'd feel cheated out of my rightful brownlow by a drug cheat. the passage of time doesn't diminish an injustice but, just my opinion, moonie
  7. so i suppose robert harvey shouldn't hold the 1997 brownlow? Chris grant polled highest that year but ruled ineligible, just like watson will be.
  8. care to expand on that doc? i know it's late in the day and i function better in the mornings, but i'm not very clear on what you are censuring
  9. i personally don't care whether he handed it back 2 months ago, now, or in fact ever, it's the afl 's job to manage that, not watson's.. the issue that irks me most is the inability of the afl to make timely decisions and to try and stage-manage watered down deals. they even invited watson, mitchell and cotchin to make submissions of what they thought the decision should be, puleeze!
  10. the rookie nookie? let's not go there, better to remain ignorant
  11. sounds like a great junket, froggy. what's new to learn about roads you can't get out of a book or the web and what's wrong with a video conference
  12. not sure people would pay to watch you snaffling down spring rolls, biffo
  13. you shouldn't drink before noon, redbeard
  14. you mean i don't use a coat-hanger?
  15. i've got a maple tree on my nature strip. might try to extract some syrup it's acer rubrum also known as october glory (not to be confused with morning glory, ethan)
  16. that sounds likethat would require an afl 10 year decision cycle
  17. lol - the bloke on the right is goodwin (and he looks somewhat apprehensive) just razzin ya. i know what ya meant
  18. If he admitted to taking peds during his brownlow year then there would be a problem I don't think admitting to "recreational" only drugs in his brownlow year would be
  19. george, i can't see how that resolves all issues such that the afl don't have to make a decision. all it does it make this decision somewhat easier. they would still have to decide if the official records will show watson as the winner or whatever. if they then decide he is not the official winner of record then they have to make the decision as to whether there is no winner or the next placed players become the official winners of record. just returning a medal in itself means nothing. only the afl can decide the official status of record.
  20. all that is fine, but you must realise that they have had more than enough time to investigate those aspects. additionally gil and other executives have made too many sympathetic public statements that just indicate that their prevarication is more about finding an excuse to not take it off watson. they have never really accepted the cas verdict and instead of keeping their mouths shut, accept the verdict and move on like you would expect of a professional body they just dither in their weakness and make it all the more a circus. [to me at least, the cotchin/mitchell decision is also easy. they should get it and there is plenty of precedent to support that.]
  21. oh come on ldvc. they have had at least 12 months to consider that. no need to act the apologist, their response has been glacial
  22. there is no deal required. it's not a hard or difficult decision. it's an easy decision. all they have to do is apply the rules. qed.
  23. well we've had 10 years of vanilla, od. but i hope those days are over
  24. that's easy. a stepladder.
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