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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. for whole year 3 divisions of 6 teams each (based on some formula to make relatively even play own division twice (1 home 1 away) - 10 games play each other division teams once (alternate home game by year) -12 games total 22 games top 2 in each division into finals, 2 wildcards based on wins then % simple ....... only hard bit is determining the starting line-ups for each division divisions stay same each year,.... or maybe could be redrawn based on performance, say every 4 years (in order to keep divisions more equal)
  2. wouldn't consider either, andrew prefer to keep reducing number of interchanges per game or per quarter until it bites hard
  3. are you saying conferences for whole season or just after round 17? if just after round 17 i don't see what your proposal offers that is any better than the current system
  4. i only mentioned it in the context of how it impacts/skews on the employed figures and your previous comment of nett migration and the "inverse relationship to the employment rate statistics are not all what they seem of course, too we also know that the way they measure emmployed/unemployed has changed (deceitfully) since 15 years ago at the end of the day we often end up with apples and oranges as it suits our political masters
  5. how is giving top pick to top team (13th) of the bottom six a good idea? what does that do to a draft system based on equalisation? imo that'd be a joke.
  6. i suppose however this is somewhat mitigated by an increase in working visas and illegal stayovers (since 15 years ago)
  7. are these stats inclusive of refugee numbers or just normal immigration?
  8. hard for me to reconcile williams at 176cm 88kg with cripps at 195cm 90kg - lol
  9. just a clarification here after the 17 games do they then start the last 5 games in their division with their existing points? or do they all revert to zero points? i presume the former
  10. there are other options clint which imo are just as good. we have discussed them before. but i suppose this method has a certain common sense to it.
  11. nothing to do with gil, this is all media driven and gil just does as he is told (assuming he wants the media rights $s)
  12. i think the argument would make more sense if it wasn't just a flat no/yes muslim immigration discussion i think an appreciable % of people would be satisfied with a smaller more targeted figure allowing for a easier and smoother integration path. after all successful integration is the end goal. we don't want to create societies, you see elsewhere, where we have ethnic ghettos because we overstress the system too rapidly if the argument stays a black and white one we just argue in circles. immigration has been very successful in australia embracing many cultures with a high level of integration over a number of generations. that doesn't mean that you can just keep cranking it up (either in total or by ethnic group) without affecting the social fabric at some point. each migrating ethnic group has their own difficulties settling in, adapting and ultimately integrating. there is no one size fits all process for all ethnicities. that's why a slowly, slowly approach can have merit. but what would i know
  13. best way to beat pack congestion is to follow the lead of the bulldogs and just throw the ball out of the pack the instant you touch it
  14. they come in handy if you make a living from forgery, biffo. a good opportunity to build one's inventory.
  15. 'tis better to try and not succeed than to never try ......well that's my defence anyway can't win 'em all i guess liked your contribution, but
  16. i just want to know what happened to the poor dog who ate it. i hope he wasn't harmed
  17. we had a few dash-ers though. ldvc and maybe just a few dotty types
  18. they've just finished installing all the new cctv monitors and microphones. no need to charge, competitive info is more valuable
  19. looks like you and jara could give nostradamus a run for his money, diets
  20. come to think of it i don't recall ever seeing the fence and the trump in the same room at the same time......hmmmm
  21. are you sure it was 2nd? i seem to remember 2nd was a vfl game attempting a quick turn at chf, richmond end.......maybe memory not the best, but i do remember the big sigh that echoed around the ground
  22. you might be on the money, mac
  23. toss up between cripps and bont, but i'd go for bont for his x factorand ability to turn a game
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