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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. noice to see norf get 'barried' it will be a looooong rebuild
  2. pretty hard to get excited about the pre-season comp with no fta and the official alternatives anybody know any alternate streaming services to watch games? pm if you have any suggestions
  3. learn something every day on demonland i never realised that it was christians who invented marriage and if the left think it is a "ridiculous construct" why are they fighting for gay marriage? christianity (apart from its beginning period) is probably at its lowest point ever in participation, relevance and secular influence, yet you feel oppressed by christianity. sheesh. I can't even think of one acquaintance who attends a christian church. sure, i know they exist but your christian paranoia over a token, marginalised and declining religion is very misplaced
  4. thanks, red. so could any member of the public sue the afl (or its office bearers) even though they themselves are not directly affected?
  5. can we limit ourselves to the century we actually live in (your history by the way is very selective and biased)
  6. do your own research there are those that do. not necessarily the full, strictest version, but i suppose the concept of the thin edge of the sword is too difficult a concept for you to grasp turkey is not far from changing from a secular state to an islamic theocracy
  7. hey dieter, why don't you tell us all about sharia law punishments? suppose that's a no-go zone for human rightists Current Membership of the Human Rights Council, 1 January - 31 December 2016 COUNTRY TERM EXPIRES ON Republic of Korea 2018 Russian Federation 2016 Saudi Arabia 2016 Slovenia 2018
  8. lol, dieter.......how very predictable and droll try googling chalk and cheese
  9. we could have a thread "best excuse when losing a practice match"
  10. it's also 28 players........some will drop out
  11. also interesting that NO-ONE has tried to take danks to court to force out the "truth"...........or maybe not too surprising
  12. interesting the hun (major essendrugs apologist) today had no article on this, despite a large spread on fitzpatrick
  13. stop flogging your illogical dead horse, adam. it was a vile, wrong and dumb, personal comment. and while you're contemplating your navel, google bacha bazi
  14. can any legal eagle here explain to me under what "authority" is this person suing fitzpatrick and mclaughlin? i mean he doesn't represent the essendon club or the players and the afl is a private corporation. i seems to me that this is more an exercise to publicly embarrass the defendants by forcing them to disclose information under oath, rather than to win a court case. i'd also like to know if the defendants can even be forced to give evidence. could their lawyers not adopt the stance that the plaintiff must first prove their case and the defendants stay silent? or is that just an option in criminal cases?
  15. given his opponents tonight, he can have all the luck in the world as far as i' m concerned
  16. but that's just it. the ladder won't work the same way middle 6 can only compete for pos 7 and 8. a team in middle 6 could easily end up with more ladder wins than a top 6 team. in fact a middle 6 team could end up on top of the ladder and only enter the finals as position 7 as at end round 17 only 6 teams can theoretically end up top 4 (and get the advantages that offers) as at end round 17, the middle 6 teams effectively enter a series amongst themselves to win 2 wild-card finals positions. the top 6 fight for the benefits of top 4 and "home" (some) finals and the bottom 6 fight for "who the hell knows"
  17. sorry to hear that danelska and thanks for sharing, it couldn't be easy. it's a monstrous disease and i hope they find a cure or treatment.
  18. diets, sweat, urine, excrement, dandruff, toenail clippings and infection are all natural. as are cockroaches, rats, lice, tapeworm, snake venom and broccolli. there are plenty of natural choices if you just look
  19. well it's not for eating, diets. btw neither is ice natural. mortein will do the trick with blowies but unfortunately it too is not natural. co2 however is natural.
  20. just take the gate earnings of those club's home games after home game 11 put it into holding account pay it evenly to clubs who got <11 no doubt too hard for all concerned, but
  21. i know od. just an elevation of an existing "family" member. i don't see much of a new broom, but will keep an open mind.
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