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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. don't think they have been de-balkanised yet earl. takes quite a few generations
  2. you don't want to be down-wind of the gatwick, red
  3. i live for the day that the media get a quarter of the story correct
  4. that's exactly what my grandson says when he's trying to put one over pop, so you can understand my reticence towards your pov
  5. plenty of room at romsey manor. lads are quite excited
  6. duh. thanks captain obvious so why not a suspended fine?
  7. i'm not surprised either with typical mrp over-reaction. i just can't see that what he did was reportable fcs tackle on brayshaw was just as "dangerous" (rode him into the ground) but no report. where is consistency
  8. http://www.afl.com.au/news/2016-02-29/young-demon-avoids-ban-for-sling-tackle i reckon that is stiff myself. why wasn't just a free kick sufficient. i didn't think it was that much of a sling. over-reaction by mrp can see a lot of controversy on that this year if they get that strict. there are plenty of other tackle types just as risky which only get a free kick
  9. just use a thimble with some cotton wool, d-l, should do the trick nicely
  10. Here's a demons jumper pattern. roll down to page 4 https://www.dropbox.com/s/r0fp04t8caabmeh/VFL%20knitted%20footy%20jumpers%20the%20Demons.pdf
  11. i'd also add, macca that a lot of the hate for essendon is aimed at their attitude nd the way they have handled the issue and dragged it out as long possible. this whole issue could have been resolved 2 seasons ago if egos and arrogance hadn't got in the way. it's not just about the peds.
  12. lol - love your optimism, ron. keep it up.
  13. you could try contacting this mob https://www.etsy.com/au/search?q=knitted%20afl%20jumper&ref=market
  14. this will be a job for bbo
  15. i heard the club was looking for a horse's head. you must have a spare one biffo.
  16. i'd drop the quinoa, earl, or you'll start acting and talking like an incan, or worse still like one of uncle bitter's pigmy llamas errrr alpacas
  17. dee-luded's not, i'm not. guess i'm a prat then
  18. reminds me of the spartans. Philip ii of macedon sent a message to the spartans " "You are advised to submit without further delay, for if I bring my army into your land, I will destroy your farms, slay your people, and raze your city." to which the spartans replied "if". philip and his son alexander (the great) declined to invade sparta.
  19. diets all wrong, earl. you need to talk to its time over on the paleo thread .....and give up those cuban cigars
  20. try running around the clothesline 100 times twice a day - no charge for advice
  21. "thye dees" you really are "old", od
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