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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. and pray tell, mr fence, how it is that you are in possession of such intimate knowledge of this er... establishment
  2. cue saty telling us how incompetent/corrupt/politically-influenced ukad/wada are
  3. clearance clarence,,,,,,,,,,,,sounds good
  4. even better, i think we are developing a lot of young players who can play well in many positions
  5. beg to differ, ht, i lived through that period and was well aware of the risks. sure there weren't anti-smoking campaigns like now and there was plenty of obfuscation from the tobacco industry but the evidence (actual or anecdotal) was there and widely discussed. Since the overuse of tobacco during the war (where it was supplied free to troops) there was much discussion on health effects. I remember it from as young as a 12 year old. No doubt usage was widespread and "largely" socially accepted but we all knew it was risky and most chose to ignore it. I don't buy the "we were ignorant" argument. people chose to believe the ill effects only happened to other people and the risks were acceptable. everyone especially when young (when you get addicted) think they are indestructible.
  6. geez i'd hate to see what this wicket would be like on day 5 that'll serve the icb right trying to interfere
  7. bomber has said he had no idea of the tapes and he definitely wasn't the taper just reporting
  8. michael warner has said there are more tapes to come. reckon the hun will run this for a good week (informative or not)
  9. what new info i learned from audio tape ZILCH ZERO NIL
  10. Is that why we called them "cancer sticks" in the 50/60's .......... i think we did know then In those days primary schools and secondary schools all had school teams and competed with other schools.....now only private schools
  11. Some trivia to ponder. while waiting for the next jack watts post.....I never knew this and it gave me a little chuckle Hipsters should take note ! GUESS WHO DRESSED THE SS
  12. surely you've noticed him tipping s@#$ on people? remember jb?
  13. actually old boy i think it is even worse than that. It's my understanding the chinese and japanese get a very big chunk of our gas at a piddling price way below world parity due to some smart contracts they stitched us up on years ago. To make matters worse we pay domestically quite often (not always) at the world spot price for gas which is much higher than world parity price because we (domestically) are at the bottom of the ladder when it comes to selling our gas. The reasons for these facts are the fault of both labor and liberal. Unfortunately i can't, try as i might, blame jack watts. Globalisation at its finest
  14. why all this faux squeamishness, earl. i thought you might be a 21st century realpolitik man but you prefer to wallow in the perpetually aggrieved hipster subculture.....lol
  15. sounds pretty logical to me, earl. specially as the anti-smoking lobby have always claimed what a big economic burden smokers are to the economy. there again non-smokers never die of "cancer or respiritory failure or organ failure or lung disease and horrendous pain before death" do they? surely you must have better things to do than watch karl stephanovic's today program. very odd past-time
  16. you catch on quick, choke obviously trump was talking about the press (at the moment wrt to him) in america and wrt to the american people when he said the media was the 'enemy of the American people'. if the american people agree with him then it becomes truth/acceptable. if not then it's untrue/unacceptable. you also need to understand the context in the use of "enemy". he's not suggesting the media are going to launch a first strike nuclear attack - LOL trump is not going to use diplomatic, political correct language. get used to it. he's not talking to you. he's talking to his supporters (at least those still left)
  17. choke, surely that is a matter for the people of america to decide. there is more than a few who would agree that some (many) in the media over focus on the sensational, truth-twisting and trivial. why, i've even heard this as a common cry of the left commentariat......gasp, shock, horror........wink, wink, say no more i'm not defending trump, but i'm sure not in hell defending the press/media who have it coming to them
  18. sorry earl, brain fade, but i did notice in the "real facts" press today that polar bear figures are up about 25%. i wonder if that means agw has turned the corner and already peaked (just like peak oil)? luckily it was renamed global climate change so all is sweet, huh
  19. yeah, macca, that 1st term was pretty unlikely too. making predictions (wishes) in this climate is a fool's game. plenty of surprises to come. order up on popcorn.
  20. or a telly series. get that bloke who played hogan (with the awful wig) for the lead role of hird
  21. with glee i would imagine. the gift that just keeps giving
  22. i see uncle bitters popped up yesterday (or friday?) then seems to have disappeared don't tell me he is on rehab again already. has he got schwartzitis?
  23. you're a very sad lettuce leaf, adam. but keep digging that holy hole why on earth would anyone bring up the kkk, there are just a social club of nutcases these days
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