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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. well it's easy to be quickly logged in each time. check your browser for login data retention and tick the 'land remember me box you can also (depending on browser) take the browser option to auto-restart browser tabs on startup. i do this and the demonland tab is always started and automatically logged in. i just leave that tab up all day.
  2. jfyi, thrice it was triple jumping which is hell on your feet. Was aths season and i combined the very strange mix of long jump, triple jump and 800 metres with the triple being my forte - lol Anyway, my point was querying whether it was just a bone hot spot. Jack has been off foot load for a long time now, longer than would seem necessary for a non fracture. I suspect it is more than just a hot spot........but i can understand the club down-playing it
  3. if you click on the round bullet to the left of the thread title it will take you directly to next unread post you must be logged in as a user though (ie not anonymous browsing)
  4. me too barney, but i can assure you there are no northern (or southern) lights here. the occasional ambulance lights is as good as it gets
  5. hope it's not too serious. i would have thought a hot spot should have mended by now. Long time ago i had a hairline fracture in my heel which mended itself in less time and i didn't use any aids at all because I only found out after it had mended via xray.
  6. is caro staying on as a journo, or retiring?
  7. and sports betting is the fastest growing gambling sector. dr who hasn't a clue
  8. noice one. maybe future countdowns should be in years to 4 decimal points. that should simplify things
  9. noticed in his highlights he also played forward, so i wouldn't assume he is necessarily 'just another tall defender' with a bit of luck he may develop into a versatile kp utility
  10. how much longer, red ? just enjoyed the RLWC semi. now that is a professional unit. unlike those flanneled fools
  11. well it did work for them.....most of the time.....that's why you can say they have way better talls
  12. no such thing these days as a starting 18. it's a starting 22 you only have to look at who starts on the bench each game, and the time on ground % of each player to realise it's a starting 22 wallace needs to get out of the past
  13. hmmmm, ernie, are you trying to hang onto his coat-tails to reach eternity yourself? didn't see you as a band-waggoner.......won't work anyway
  14. i thought when fitzpatrick was replaced the brown baggers might get a more realistic fixture i thought wrong......the influence runs deep
  15. and the savings of 850k is equivalent of about 1700-2300 memberships (based on your estimates) so watt?
  16. gotta agree here ernest. when i was young was a big fan of tennis......the davis cup......the big tournaments...etc listing on my radio. then they went full professional and pretty much there were tournaments one after the other all year....most meaningless and the players following the money.....staggering off the plane from one tournament straight to the practice court of the next. I haven't followed tennis now for years
  17. nice to see this thread convinced the afl powers to keep the bounce
  18. ah, because someone will scream to the heavens that an umpire error could cost someone a premiership
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