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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. well there was an awful lot of 'moralising' in the media and by the usual pundits on both sides i wouldn't denigrate necessarily, morals, they are an important element in a society especially for people placed by the public into a position of trust and leadership, but the question of morals and society is probably a discussion for another time. i agree barnaby had to step down and missed an opportunity to do it swiftly i guess the hypocrisy and self-serving of politicians on all sides living in their glass houses tends to gall me. like pigs lapping up the swill. has politics in this country ever been so depressing or am i just getting too old?
  2. but you are a remote user, so you need to watch a lot more games
  3. lol, dream on ldvc why can't he be both?
  4. so it was a dynastic marriage, ht? btw chloe was also a married woman but it's ok, bill is a sjw
  5. he's a cat supporter.....maybe getting nervous for round 1
  6. a very good background article on fritta written early last year http://www.heraldsun.com.au/leader/localfooty/his-kicking-is-long-his-marking-his-strong-and-bayley-fritsch-is-one-of-the-vfls-best-prospects/news-story/f0eec01914d13ecf2064ca25ff9212fa
  7. well you got a good deal for this footy season anyway, ethan. 12 months is a long time in the media game. i'm sure there will be new options by then
  8. seriously guys, did any of you think you were going to get some unique insight from slobbo, or even some small smidgen of information to justify starting a thread on his 'opinion',let alone posting any response to his inebriated scribbling
  9. didn't realise you were a sailor, pa
  10. ethan, according to foxtel $39 sports 1. there is a std $100 instal fee. how did you avoid this? were you already cabled/satellited up? 2. after 12 months the $39 becomes $65
  11. foxtel have an offer of $39 per month, NO contract period. New sunbscribers only. You get basic entertainment + sport. $100 instal fee. I think the offer ends this month. You could sign up then cancel at end of footy season
  12. the only reason they didn't put a railway station to waverley park was purely political. the powers to be didn't want it to succeed
  13. i did - from match centre
  14. could be a smokey?
  15. how bad is afl nation!......i should have tried 5aa....lol
  16. you do realise whorethorn are moving to dingley. they have the land already, but will still be a few years off
  17. haven't seen ollie this quiet before
  18. how is the weather affecting the game?
  19. demonland has lost the plot. a puff piece by slobbo now into its third page
  20. i often wonder about the inner thoughts of some demonlanders
  21. that's the beauty of the artificial turf - much more usage availability it's actually being used now for contact sport, and i'm not talking nfl. there are new soft touch ones. i believe the nrl are well advanced in planning. quite feasible in 5 years time. i'd expect the afl/mcc/mcg would at least have some knowledge of it
  22. stop it od, you are giving me visions of james packer
  23. well it is not on in the short term. no decisions have been made yet re artificial turf but it is a discussion point around the traps artificial turf will be a game-changer and we should be lobbying hard before some other bastard eats our lunch (again)
  24. i don't see why we can't return to the mcg, especially with all the talk of of the new hi-tech artificial turf, which would allow vastly more practice time to be available. think to the future. natural grass on major stadiums will soon be a thing of the past
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