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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. i used to know a girl called theresa black. we all used to call here theresa green.
  2. must have been the poor competitive analysis. some people never learn
  3. gil has probably arranged a special line of credit. it is after all their private franchise
  4. it doesn't really make it clear personally, i think it is a fishing expedition to embarrass the afl and then after that.....who knows. i can't think the current administration at essendrugs would be too happy as it will just be a distraction and raise issues they are trying to put behind them
  5. i would have thought homo neanderthalensis, but then i heard that they were extinct. Given there is said that about 20% of the neanderthal genome exists in homo sapiens it is possible he could be a throw-back
  6. absolutely jack, but no-one will even talk about it, let alone develop policies to address it
  7. weren't evans, vlad and fitzpatrick partners in some business?
  8. it's on again...........popcorn time Human rights lawyer Julian Burnside, QC, to lead case against AFL chief, ex-commission chairman
  9. iirc they did well with that port melbourne pub too, didn't they?
  10. another university based piece of attention seeking speculation nothing to see here, move on slow day in the media
  11. not at all, nut i'm all in favour of doing something if only to reduce pollution, wanton destruction of the planet and deletion of finite resources the issue is not to do something but HOW one does something and responsibly managing the impact /transition
  12. as if the afl/mrp would ever be consistent - ha
  13. i once had an old vinyl record with a defective track. it just went on and on and on i finally relocated it to the circular file
  14. wonder if they will get monash to do a study on the impact of sports betting ......oh, wait a minute
  15. "there is no such thing as tanking (whilst i am in the country)" - dimwit
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