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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. we weren't talking about science but scientists scientists are only human and have the same faults, frailties, egos, ambitions and lusts as everyone else. but your faith trust in them is touching nevertheless.
  2. you'd prefer an oboe and violin?
  3. as long as gill has advised the umpires we should be right
  4. looks like he's holding the cup that way to hide a [censored] don't blame him
  5. thanks gill for putting the moz on us
  6. Tyson stars as Demon quartet boosts R1 hopes
  7. do you think that might be like afl hazing?
  8. why wait till last minute......give them a call monday
  9. at least mick doesn't play favourites - no weegles, colonwood. or babyblues in top 8
  10. ok, i'll stick my head out and predict this thread will make 100 pages
  11. all i want to hear is no injuries to best-25 players
  12. "Fan activation initiatives" - lol - is this pc talk for "entertainment" footy is the only entertainment i go to the ground for - the rest is generally an annoyance and amateurish like "reality" tv
  13. kero must think schwabby is still at the mfc......she needs to let go
  14. except sometimes it's more about eddie than the club
  15. no......actually 405 up as of friday 35,485 16/3/2018 35,080 16/3/2017
  16. i see uncle phoenix has risen from his vomit splattered ashes
  17. so, more money down the drain that could have gone to grass roots footy surprised they didn't get meatloaf to do the vocals
  18. limited edition for 1,000 lucky mugs punters
  19. can i put you down for a dozen, ethan?
  20. someone must have been there.......c'mon
  21. only thing wrong with the article is the timing as usual with kero one questions her motives
  22. considering he can't even spell his given name, i wouldn't take too much notice of anything he said. or his father.
  23. nah.............maybe for a funeral
  24. better be mixed in dolby atmos
  25. more likely set to rap music
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