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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. Just curious Did anyone here or Ology or BF or Phantom drafts get just one of our picks correct?
  2. From the AFLs perspective you are right. And it leaves enough slack to employ a lot of spin. No doubt an AFL CEO performance payrise in the future. To me however its more a question of religion. I'm more interested in converts (players, fans, media).
  3. Geez. I know all that. We are on a victorian forum and as I said I used the term to encompass both codes for brevity, instead e.g. of saying "rugby league and rugby union". If it was a sydney forum I probably wouldn't have put it that way your point on correct terminology is valid but not your point on being ignorant of sport in sydney. Clumsy maybe. And BTW I'm not saying the AFL shouldn't tackle the market. Just that it is a very difficult market with high risk and long odds of success. Of course in the end it depends on how you measure "success". The AFL have the funds to bankroll it for decades. To me ultimate success will be when Sydney bred players represent at least 10% of all AFL players and AFL gets decent media coverage in Sydney.
  4. I hear it is agreat place for flying kites Literally anf figuratively
  5. Don't be a smartarz Thomo. I used the term 'rugby' to cover both league and union. Its presumptuous of you to assume what we know and don't know and lets not get into a "what is rugby" argument (or for that matter "what is football" argument) Nice try, but no cigar
  6. Yeah, One is a very difficult rugby based market and One is an extremely difficult rugby based market
  7. Lynch, Darling, Heppel Tallish outside midfielder, exquisite kicking skills Tallish HBF, line breaker, Left Footer, exquisite kicking skills Sinclair
  8. Of course they're not normal people, E25 They're celebrities. I thought you understood that.
  9. You mean normal people are now using Twitter? Wow! and, E25 "Let the Twitter out". It's all the work of the Demon. methinks.
  10. ???????????????????????????????? Only if I put my balaclava on backwards!
  11. Good God, sorry but that is abominable Whats happening with the sox? LH and RH ones ??
  12. exactly. disposal efficiency and clanger count are the most useless stats
  13. Condolences Demon Hill. Great of Ingo to volunteer to help see her off And thanks to your Mum for growing the Demon tribe
  14. They're probably reserving it for Tasmania?
  15. Yep, LHS got better Guess you could go on for ever . . . . . .
  16. Oh dear, How maudlin. I feel I have walked over someone's grave. But don't worry, I have consulted my medico friend. There is a cure! You need a Premiership transplant within the next 5 years. He guarantees it will fix everything. Now where did I put that bottle?
  17. Bumbles would be very pleased to hear that
  18. Touche! Canberra on the other hand . . . . . . . . . . .
  19. and all this self-flagellation, wasted emotions and histrionics is becoming very passe its all done, we will never know all the true story and the nuances etc bottom line is there is no great damage to our objectives and future cam missed an opportunity to be a one-club player which in time i think he may regret. big deal. I for one am sick of this topic, what else is there to say? Can we move on to drafting and other issues? I suspect this plea will be ignored and the CB threads will continue to thrive for 1,000s of more posts
  20. The design concept will always be yours Deezman - well done
  21. Actually most of the recent changes seem to have been initiated by the administration I also don't think any posters were being anally retentive and were quite cogniscent of the effort required for changes It struck me that it was all conducted in a constructive, cooperative, polite and helpful manner Some people seem to just look for something/someone to whinge about Cheers
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