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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. No doubt it is a FB, but GWS will just pay it on behalf which means the AFL really pays which means you really pay ulimately At least Phat Phil's not staying at Breakfast Point or we'd all go bankrupt pretty quickly
  2. Actually there is no collective noun for lefties (sinistralists and mancinists are just names for lefties not really collectives) However if you were to invent one then....... Historically the left hand was associated with bodily functions so "a Sanitation of Lefthanders"?....or Historically the left hand was also associated with evil or the devil so "a Coven of Lefthanders"? BTW and this is true the collective noun for Demons is "an Inquisition of Demons" I know, I know .....it is the off season but
  3. True story. There was a L.Behan played for Melb U19's in 60's and went on to be a start at Port Melbourne Unfortunately 'L' was a Lance not Les but say L. Behan quick enough and it's close enough.
  4. Nah. He meant to say sinistral or mancin
  5. and he doesn't sleep in
  6. would I pull your leg old dee??????????????
  7. It gets worse......apparently his middle name is Uriah.......
  8. $100/week wouldn't even cover Phat Phils pie sauce bill!
  9. Robbie, your argument is fine. Just change it to " What is disturbing to me is the AFL appears to have lost its failed to establish a moral compass on this or any other issue."
  10. Robbie, it is impossible to lose something you never had B)
  11. I think they are far better at bending over forwards when its in their grubby interests
  12. geez, he's got a Dunny porno tache........as if his name doesn't give him enough attention
  13. why do you wonder two-dogs?
  14. I am following exactly what you are saying I only commented (whimsically) that you didn't answer the question but rather your implication of the question (that implication probably correct) Jim said the rules (AFL) encourage young players to lie, but he didn't say that meant HWFUA was lying nor IMO did he imply it......but he left the door open enough to say that it was a possibility. I suspect the club deep down had concerns that he may be already committed to GWS but no hard and fast facts, therefore they played it the way they did
  15. Freddie Clutterbuck Club: East Perth Age: 20 Height: 182 cm Weight: 78 kg Medium midfield player Edit: nickname Breddie
  16. nicely dodged rpfc and threw in a straw man too No, the answer is simply that Jim looked at the rules and made a reasonable deduction that many others did too. Nothing mysterious there
  17. Could a mod please direct Parma to the Waylen Manson thread on the trading and drafting board?
  18. The Fat Controllers biggest sin is his handling of Clash Jumpers and his insistence on 'predominately white' thought I'd just drop that one in.....
  19. My apologies bing. Neeld did say that and quite categorically too, not just a bit of normal spin Frankly I'm amazed he went so far in his comments I guess we'll see if he picks him 1st round I certainly hope he makes it, but my comments were more to the point that his record would seem to indicate he has a long way to go, and some posters seemed to be getting a little carried away.
  20. Maybe he was misquoted? He might have said genocide? or generosity?
  21. I'm getting good vibes on Rory Lets hope they are the same good vibes I had when Jeremy Howe was picked Good luck and welcome Rory
  22. If you really want a conspiracy theory then there is evidence that HWFUA was secretly planned from birth to be a GWS player. It seems his parents even timed his birth to ensure he would end up being a Giants player. It is no coincidence that his birthdate of 15.5.1991 (15+5+1991= 2011=4) sums to the exact numeric value as do the initials GWS ( 7+23+19=49=13=4). This family has been planning this for a very long time. Shoddy, Grubby and Dimwit were just pawns in a bigger conspiracy.
  23. just maybe as a rookie. he would need to convince club he is prepared to be full-time and fair dinkum. might make it mon
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