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Posts posted by Vipercrunch

  1. I am for the simple reason that it seems he was never going to seriously consider Melbourne, but for whatever reasons, allowed us all to get our hopes up high. I just hope the AFL people are having a real good look at Carlton and what (and how) they paying him.

  2. Looking back in hindsight to the draft which saw Roughhead and Franklin go to Hawthorn while Richmond passed them up to take Deludio and Tambling, I would definetly lean towards the bigger player.

    They still have 6 months to improve, grow and develop, including a National competition, so time may make the choice clearer, but history shows that big is often better.

  3. I too can't understand some veiws regarding Bruce - he has been definetely one of our better players thus far.

    I am concerned about Bartrams confidence level - too much fumbling and poor disposal. As a youngster with plenty of senior exposure in the past I would consider some time with Sandy to regain confidence. Give some more game time too other youngsters without the senior games under their belt to see how they go. The contribution to the team may be similar (Bartram is stuggling), but the longer term benefits might be better for the club.

  4. Contacting the club would be better - SEN obviously don't know much about it - the chances are that unless the original announcement occured during KB's show, then no one (him or his producers) would know about it. There have been numerous times when something has been spoken about and updated/disproven/etc by going to the source in one show, only for the next shift to come in and talk about the same issue with information based on the morning paper or news reports. They don't seem to listen into previous shifts at all.

  5. 1. Neitz

    2. Wheatly (surprisingly), Rivers, Bruce.

    3. Morton has the obvious potential. Very hopeful with Dunn, Bate, Jones and Brock.

    4. Can only really comment on players from the late 80's therefore Jakovich, Stynes, Lyon and Schwarz (who unfortunately seems to be turning into a enourmous tool)

  6. From Wikipedia

    Nathan Bassett (born December 7, 1976) is an Australian rules footballer for the Adelaide Football Club of the Australian Football League. Known as "Bruce" Bassett

    Picked up as a rookie by Melbourne in 1997, Bassett was elevated to the senior list during the season but was unable to make his AFL debut for the Demons due to a chest injury. At the end of the season he was traded to Adelaide, and has since become one of the Crow's best defenders. He has played more than 150 games for Adelaide and topped up a great 2005 season by being named Best Team Man and coming runner up in the Club's Best and Fairest award.

    In 2006 Bassett was named to the All-Australian Team, along with his teammates Andrew McLeod and Simon Goodwin.

    Some of Bassett's nicknames include The Hound, Bruce and Fred Basset - after the comic strip which appears in many Australian newspapers.

    Currently sits on 191 games played.

    As I said earlier, I can't help but think things may have been different over the last 5-10 years.

    Bishop played 150 games including a premiership..

  7. Can anyone with a good memory for trades fill me in with the details of how and why these players left?

    They wanted to leave?

    We thought they were no good?

    I can't help but think how things over the last 5-10 years may have been very different if they were both in the Red and Blue.

  8. I personally would like

    "F@#K YOU JUDD"

    where @ is a "u" # is a "c"

    Glad you filled in those blanks for us :lol:

    Woud love to see a Whelan special for Judd like he fixed up Hird in the final several years ago.

    For some reason it feels good to focus all my frustration over Melbournes season thus far on one bloke.

  9. Couldn't agree more Choko.

    He plays to his strengths, like all players should. Why should he try to deliver bone cruntching hip and shoulders when he can't? He seems to put his body on the line when required, but is a runner with good evasive skills that allow him to get the contested ball. He has been one of our better players this year despite his poor preseason preparation because of injury. The entire team is very low on confidence and seems to be second guessing themselves.

    Very interested to see if anyone can give examples of him being "soft"?

  10. I remember walking away from the Richmond lose last year and predicting that Daniher had coached his last game for Melbourne. I walked away from the game on Saturday, this time predicting that maybe it was time for a mid-season retirement of one of Melbournes all time greats.

    The David Neitz I saw has lost the ability to compete. The mind seems willing, but his body no longer has the ability to take him where he needs to go. The amount of times I saw him attempt to get the ball, only for his body to leave him inches (sometimes feet) short, well it was sad.

    He has by far been my favourite player over the last 10 years. A true champion of Melbourne, but I can't see any point in him continiung. There will be no fairy tale finish to his career. We are too far from any real success to even dream that. Perhaps he still has a role to play off the field, especially if there is a problem between the coach and players as some are reporting, but on field, I think his time is up.

    The only drawback as far as I can see is who will take his spot as captain. As far as Full Forward goes, I would be happy to see Miller parked there for several games, or Newton if he can find the will to compete (if only we could put the competetive nature of Neitz into the body of Newton). But who should replace him as captain? The only names I could come up with were Cameron Bruce (I disagree with what many people around here are saying) or James MacDonald.

  11. Holland is my 5 year old son's favourite player and there is nothing I can do to change his mind. I cringe when people ask him and had to quickly retreat when he asked in a very loud voice at the quarter time huddle of the Zebra practice game at Casey "Why is Holland playing for the Zebras Daddy?"

    As for my choice, I would go for 6 (Bate) or 14 (Dunn). I still have high hopes for these two.

  12. from injuryupdate.com.au

    Melbourne Demons

    Player Injury Onset Estimated Return

    Matthew Bate hamstring strain Pre-season Rnd 2

    Jack Grimes groin injury Pre-season Rnd 8

    Colin Sylvia Suspension Preseason games Rnd 2

    Looks like only 3 players unavailable for Round 1 to me, with the possibilty of Neitz also.

    1 serious Groin injury for a first year player. 1 with a one week suspension. 1 almost over a hammy.

    5-10 men short?

    Wishful thinking on your behalf perhaps Schtacker?

  13. B: Bell Carroll Bartram

    HB: Pettard Rivers Frawley

    C: Green McLean Dunn

    HF: Yze Miller Davey

    F: Robbo Neitz Newton

    R: White McDonald Jones

    IC: P Johnson Moloney Morton Bruce


    - Miller to provide a solid target at CHF and take responsibilty for kicking it into the forward line himself.

    - Buckley not ready just yet (needs more poise).

    - Yze to surpise the football public by showing he still has much to offer.

    - P Johnston the pick of the bunch to play second fiddle to White currently.

    - Rivers, Bartram ready to play the full game.

    - Bruce to good to get match fit at Sandy - bring him in now.

    - Morton should be locked into play the first 3 rounds in the seniors. As a natural outside player, he will be fine.

  14. My observations:-

    OPPOSITION:- The Roos will again be a good team for the simple reason that they put enourmous pressure on the oppisition and make them pay for turnovers. Top 6 again for them - no reason at all why they will drop too far from where they finished last year.

    BIGGEST PROBLEM:- The Demons disposal, especially by hand, needs improvement. I am all for moving the ball by hand and run as long as the execution of the handpass is up too scratch. Far too many handballs yesterday caused the players receiving to break stride or even change direction allowing the Roos players to apply immediate pressure. The were several Melbourne players in particular who panic when confronted by a opposition tackle and basically give the ball up.

    Unless the turnovers can be greatly reduced we must find a way to remain defensive through the midfield even while we are in posession. Once we lost possession yesterday, the rebound though the centre of the ground was like a training drill for the Roos.

    FORWARDLINE:- Our forward line seemed overcrowded. Maybe the ground is smalled than most AFL grounds. Maybe we took too long to get the ball there. Maybe the forwards weren't working for each other enough to make space. I don't know but down the other end, the Roos seem to have far more room and worked with each other to get away from their defenders.

    MILLER:- I would far prefer to see Miller to be leading out from half forward than chasing a man down back. He made a name for himself in that role and showed some very promising signs late last season playing CHF.

    THE ZEBRAS:- I stayed for the first half of the Zebra game and liked what I saw. Rivers seemd to go straight back to his best form, taking strong marks after zoning off his man within the first 10 minutes of the game. Hard to belive he was returning afte a long break from footy. Dunn looked super keen and I would have him in Rd1 ahead of several guys that played in the seniors yesterday. Holland moved very nicely and was dangerous. Wheels looked perhaps a little proppy but played well regardless. Number 36, (who I think was Zomer) played well up forward. I didn't know what number Bartam was so I cant't comment on him.

    SUMMARY:- I am actually not distressed about where the team is at. I look forward to seeing our best 22 on display at our home ground in a fortnights time. Perhaps the first half of the year will be a real slog, but as the players adapt to all the changes and improve on dealing with pressure, I expect a much stronger showing in the second half of the year.

  15. I just head something very interesting and encourageing on SEN. Mark Doran was inteviewing a guy from the official stats keepers (can't rememeber their name) about a ladder based on stats from the last 3 years. If all players were uninjured and played to their past 3 year averages, Fremantle would be on top etc etc. When he got to Melbourne (which was surprisingly at 8th) he brought up the performance of Cale Morton on Friday night against Richmond.

    The stats people kept stats on all practice games, and had Morton down for 25 touches and one of the best on the ground. He played as an outside player and his disposal by foot was brilliant.

    Very encouraging.

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