Ah yes, I looked to the heavens and saw the future and you are in that future as a budding countdown star. No, not the "he who can't talk" Molly Meldrum countdown, but the far more important, Demonland Draft Countdown.
Keep up your studies and practice well and as the Nun said to the Bishop, "it's not that hard" and no my son it isn't that hard, if you continue on the right path to Countdown Mastership.
He is not 18 and already a big lad and will probably get a bit bigger. If you took someone like him and he made it you would have others like Frost and T Mac who could go forward and hopefully later King and Oscar. Maybe even Watts stands up and takes a key spot. I actually thought Watts was ok early as a lead up forward.Let me say I know nothing about this kid.
With Fletcher and Carlisle gone I think the Bombers will be keen to grab a big forward to help Joe, as Hurley and Hooker will probably fill the defensive spots.
Therefore unless they rate someone higher, i don't see him slipping to us. If somehow Francis and Weideman are there at GC pick, I think they will take Francis.
Anyway who really knows?
32 and 24
First lesson HT, before posting, listen to the wind blowing between BBO's legs and when you see the golden rays of the sun, face the direction of the moon and contemplate, why the countdown exists.
When you begin to understand, ask the trees for permission to post. You will have that permission, when the branches blow to the East in the breeze.
Remember this all of the days of your life.