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Its Time for Another

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Everything posted by Its Time for Another

  1. It's looking that way. Will be fascinating to see how this is going to pan out. We have a minimum of 4 places to fill on the main list to make it 38 and we only have 4 useful picks. If we do that we will have to rookie 4 players to go with the 2 we currently have to make the total minimum list of 44. They have to be drafted which means the last 2 will be very late in the rookie draft. No matter how good JT is that's going to be a major stretch. Which makes you wonder if they think those gambles would be better than 1 or 2 of the remaining DFA's. Maybe there's some pick trading planned perhaps with some of next year's picks to grab one or two more decent picks. Although that could have happened by now if it was the plan.
  2. ET you must get that a lot. Good to see you haven't taken it too personally.
  3. Thought I'd revisit this thread a year on and as we prepare for the draft. Interesting to see how it stacked up. I won't go through everyone. Only those I think have moved categories. Garlett has obviously dropped off the planet. Lets hope the FD can get him firing again. He did this at Carlton which was why they gave him away and we were able to get 3 good years out of him. I believe he has some issues going on at home. Hopefully they get sorted or he'll be gone by the end of next season. Hunt also dropped off very badly. I'm hopeful but not confident he can fix his deficiencies and get back into form. Lewis has exceeded my expectations this year notwithstanding his shocker in the Prelim. Thought he would slow down too much and only play limited games. We'll get something decent out of him next season so has been a real success coming to the team. The value of his experience and leadership seems to have increased as the team gets better and has got closer to playing the type of football he's used to. Lever will be a question mark now as we don't know how his recovery will go. ACL's often lead to other soft tissue injuries as players return from the long layoff. The only players in the 22 yet to reach their potential that really stepped up to the next level this season were Brayshaw, Salem, & Harmes Petracca is still in the same category of not reaching their potential. Hopefully he comes back slimmed down and fitter from the break. He needs to if he wants to go to the next step. I hoped to see this last season and it didn't happen. Has to get away from Mum's delicious home made Italian cooking. O Mac improved but there better be a lot more to come or he will get passed over. Recruiting May is a clear indication the FD don't think he's either ready yet or ever will be. Players not in 22 who have improved into it are clearly Weid & vanders. Frost was only in because of injuries. There's a real argument he's a better option than O Mac. He has brute strength, speed and agility that O Mac doesn't. His decision making and disposals have improved considerably although unfortunately still prone to bad judgement lapses in decisions and particularly marking which was lethal in the Prelim. J Smith showed a bit but still hasn't had a consistent enough run at it to show his full capability. Hopefully that happens one way or another next season. Fritsch and Spargo have been revelations and are clearly best 22 at this point unless Jeffy comes good and puts pressure on Spargs. T Smith has become critical for Key forward depth if either Weid or T Mac go down. There's no one else now. I expect him to be upgraded on at least a one year contract given how many spots we have to fill on the main list and how few decent picks we have. Oscar Baker still looks very raw from what I've seen of him at Casey. Good pace but terrible disposal skills. Not sure he'll make it. Petty looks a few years away. His selection in the Saints game very nearly cost us a finals birth. Future Ins May is at a stage where we can be confident he will deliver at the level he has been at GC and hopefully in a better set up will be even better. Solves a major structural weakness. Arguably the last structural weakness. KK is a gamble based on actual performance over the past few seasons but has shown before that he has the goods and is apparently well over the concusion/neck issues. It's a bit of a worry that a team in the shape GC were in asked him to look elsewhere. There must be more of an issue there than we probably know about. I feel confident he'll come good and will be that skilled outside runner we desperately need to run and carry and more importantly accurately deliver inside 50 or go to half back and release Fritsch into that role which he's shown himself to be very good at. Preuss will be interesting to see how he's used. I suspect we'll see a lot more of him in tandem with Gawny than has been suggested otherwise his decision to come to us makes no sense at all. I don't buy just coming to MFC to learn under the best. Goldy was the best ruckman in the comp for quite a few years. What do we need most. A speedy X factor highly skilled forward pocket. What Jeffy used to be. Bedford sounds like this is what he brings. So a tick there and hopefully no earlier than pick 62. That would be a major win. Still looking for that skilled outside runner who can deliver into the forward line. Would be good to pick one up although we might already have them between KK, Fritsch, Hunt and maybe even Salem. I'd love to see his incredible kicking skills being used for that final kick into 50. Over to you all.
  4. Hopefully Hunt hones his skills and becomes one of those outside mids or perhaps the other one with KK. If Jeffy rediscovers his magic we could be the compete team you'r looking for.
  5. Woops apparently Bell has gone to Melbourne.
  6. 5 & 23 for Hogan could end up being a good deal if Mahoney weaves his magic. Crows are desperate to move up the draft order so we trade them to Crows for their 8 & 13. 8 is very fair for May & we still end up with 13, a first rounder. 5 = 1878 points 23 = 815 TL= 2693 8 = 1551 13 = 1212 TL= 2763. The difference is only 70 points which is what pick 67 is worth. So maybe some horse trading of late picks. Our 65 for their 73 which ironically they have from us as part of the Lever trade last year. Bet none of us knew that. That gets us giving them 10pts over. Good enough. KK is weaved in to the pick 8 plus next year's 3rd rounder or whatever. Then we use 13 in the draft or we get a ready made gun from somewhere that magically appears at the last moment which FD have been sitting on . Alternatively Hogan stays we get May for nothing next year as a Free Agent and get a first rounder for Hogan and end up with more than if the deal was done this year. Although by then Hogan will be sniffing a Premiership and won't go and we'll get May as a FA. Win Win.
  7. Not much better. We've done ok with pick 53 but I don't know of any good picks at 65. Pretty much unuseable therefore no better than PSD. Clearly FD wanted to move him on. Same as Swans moving on Rohan for pick 61
  8. Pick trading between 4 teams will get it done. We've done stuff like that before.
  9. It's seriously important to take any opinions in the press with a grain of salt. Plough thinks this but Treloar was traded for 2 pick 7's and a swap back of some picks. But Hogan is a once in a generation key forward who is tracking better than any of the great key forwards but is only worth a single first rounder. I really don't understand the thinking. Most of the people on Trade Radio are a complete waste of time. I'm just going to wait till 17 Oct 8.30pm or when there's any other official news.
  10. Are you suggesting you're going to visit him and make an offer he can't refuse. But which way.
  11. I reckon we could get both for the price of one.
  12. "Me wanting to leave this club??? No chance," Parker wrote. 18 Sept on Instagram Parker is signed at Sydney until the end of 2021 "I was very surprised to hear about trade rumours regarding Luke Parker," Sydney Swans head of football Harley said."I can unequivocally deny those rumours, we've spoken to Luke on Wednesday and he's fully invested with the Swans and we won't be trading him under any circumstances at all."
  13. Totally unrelated to my secret sauce. On a sesame seed bun. Was just changing it when you posted this.
  14. I'm going to have an exclusive. I'm going to be able to tell you all exactly what's going to happen with every trade. It will be 100% accurate. I've got the inside info straight from the people doing the deals. I can assure you anything you hear or read before then unless it comes from Mahoney is going to be total BS. I'm going to disclose it at 8.30pm on 17 Oct. And no I'm not the Trade Whisperer although a lot more accurate and useful.
  15. Anyone heard anywhere when he’s expected to return. ACL’s are usually a year although Goldsack did it in 6mths but he’s older. That would be round 11. Others have said they are 9mths nowadays. That would be close to the start of the season. I have no idea.
  16. PJ was the CEO we needed when he came in. Perty is the CEO we need now going forward. No CEO is more experienced at Facilities and Membership growth and best practice. HIs experience for these next steps is way superior to PJ's which is not to detract from anything PJ has achieved.
  17. Wonder how they reconcile that value with what the market has actually been doing over the past few years. For instance Judd picks No.3 (Chris Masten) and No.20 (Tony Notte) and now two-time Coleman Medallist, six-time leading goalkicker and premiership player Josh Kennedy.Treloar for picks 7 & the next years 7. Lever for 2 first rounders. And there's a few more. You can't compare either of them to Hogan. One is a very good midfielder but not in the top 10 midfielders in the league. The other is an intercepting 3rd man up backman who isn't even a key back. Hogan is significantly ahead at this stage of his career on all statistics against all the top key forwards in history including Dunstall, Lockett, Carey, Kennedy Franklin etc etc Key forwards are much more valuable than any other key position players. A backman just has to punch and react to a forward. A forward has to be able to read the play and know where to lead and then be able to mark a ball on a lead and in a pack. Hogan is a freak can do all of that plus elite athletic ability and agility so can play all ground. We'll be looking on him in years to come going Jeez he used to be an MFC player. Who are they kidding. So much of the journalism nowadays is so ill informed. Can't believe they get paid to deliver that standard of work. Most of us would be sacked if we performed our jobs to that standard.
  18. Does anyone know if they post these interviews somewhere afterwards?
  19. Reading between the lines and drawing a long bow etc etc. Said has had discussions. I’m guessing moving to Gold Coast isn’t right for Dom. Could have been a straight swap for KK
  20. We can't do this at this stage. Under the rules we have to use our first round pick next season. We have to use a first rounder or it might be 2 first rounders in a 4 year period. We've given ours away the past 3 years so have to use it next year. At this stage I'm not sure what they are going to do. We have 6 delistings or transfers from the main list so far and that doesn't include Hogan & possibly Tyson. We only have 4 picks. I believe we have to use a minimum of 4 draft picks a year. Possibly we'll upgrade T Smith & I guess Keilty although that would be a surprise. We could do that with the really late picks that would otherwise be junk picks. But it doesn't leave us with anything to trade with as well as go to the draft. Looks like we'll have to do some horse trading for picks.
  21. If I'm Freo I do whatever it takes at the high end of overs to get this across the line. Hogan is a once in a generation specimen. Big bodied forward with elite athleticism to run in the midfield. He hasn't reached his potential yet. He's regarded as the player with the most upside on our list. If I was them and I had to give up pick 5 and Cerra who they've only had for a year of development and who is ultimately a flight risk and which means they go to this year's draft which is one of the strongest in years still retaining pick 6 they'd have to seriously entertain it. I don't know if the Brayshaw connection will push us towards him but Cerra sounds like he's elite and on another level to Brayshaw. I don't really know either of them other than reputation. What do people think.
  22. Hmmm post 8,666 the 666 number. Could be prophetic. You've been saying this about a big fish for a while. Sauce? BBQ or perhaps Carpe Demon a superhot chilli puree or maybe Demon Reaper a Carolina Reaper sauce, with a searing heat. Don't tell me its an actual source.
  23. There was a very weird looking warlock dude. I’d say that was Saty. Hasn’t aged a minute. It was wet and windy and of course muddy. They had to shoo the kangaroos off the ground. Plus a lot of people going to work down Punt Rd on their horses. Otherwise nothing’s changed. Same jumper. Same shots on goal. Go Dees
  24. Mostly pretty standard. Right st the end Maxy spotted the Club videographer so went over outside the boundary righ where she was filming and had a shot. Hopefully that works tomorrow night
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