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Its Time for Another

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Everything posted by Its Time for Another

  1. There’s a head of football and a board that primarily made that decision. He had been there for 5 minutes. But hey go ahead and blame him.
  2. Pert's on a thrashing to nowhere on here. People were critical of his appointment because the main criticism of him at the Pies was meddling in the FD. Now people are critical here because he's not meddling in the FD enough. Can you imagine the crap that would be flying around right now if Mahoney was the CEO not Pert. Thank God for Pert's footy and CEO experience.
  3. And how are you judging PJ and Roos right now who left him with this s@$t sandwich. And PJ left him with a $2mill revenue hole by pulling out of pokies and not replacing the revenue. But I suppose you think that’s Pert’s fault as well
  4. It does look like that could be one explanation. Alternatively, I was at that game. At various stages it was a shocker. After the first 20 minutes it looked like our season was over. Then in the last few minutes they came back at us and Eddie and Jenkins missed shots virtually from the goal square. If they'd kicked them we would have lost. Jennings job is strategy and opposition analysis. He could be buried in processing what just happened so he can order it in his head to teach from it during the week. Goody doesn't slap him he rolls his hand over his head. Goody has often said since then that Jennings is one of his best mates. Who knows. He's gone. We move on. My only interest now is who replaces him. And that they're better and get us the win n next years Prelim.
  5. Similar type of player to AVB. If AVB is cooked he'd be a good pick up to replace him. If AVB is fit next year then they would be competing with each other for the same position. I'd take AVB performing like he did in those games at the end of last year. He was having a serious impact. Made the whole team stand taller with his attack on the ball and player.
  6. He can pick either. Neither trumps the other. Nick Blakey had 3 options last year and could take any of them. He was a father son at both North and Brisbane through his father's career at North and Fitzroy. He could also go to the Swans as a Swans Academy graduate which was what he elected in the end because he grew up there and it's where his family is. So based on that it would be a big call for Kobey to leave his family and friends and go to Melbourne because his father played the first half of his career here. Go home factor would be high unless the Wiz moves the family to Melbourne. I know he's working there on a contract at the moment but that will end in the next year or so.
  7. Heard from someone who claimed to have a very good source that he has already committed to Saints. For all I know that source could be the X of X's X's X X X.... When I said that to him he got very adamant. As most people do with such an impeccable source.
  8. Strange one. Same jump happened same week last year. For weeks before its a few hundred a week then suddenly a 1200 leap.
  9. To counter that argument. They made him play when he couldn't lift his arm above his chest. Bizarre decision. Was an incredibly gutsy effort to be out there at all. Looks like they damned him for it too. What were they thinking? Almost as bad as what they did to J Smith.
  10. Don't see how you think that is unrelated. Preuss played brilliantly up in Sydney in the forward line. He's exactly the crash and bash tall timber we are missing in the forward line. It's a mystery to me. The whole forward line structure looked the best it has all year when he played before he got injured.
  11. It's an interesting pick for a mid season draft the AFL brought in so teams with a lot of injuries or retirees could top up with players that can play immediately in place of them. Clearly that's not what we have done. We've gone early recruiting a prospect who might well be a reasonably high pick in next year's draft. Apparently his junior year last year was ruined by injury and before that he was predicted to be a potential first or second round pick. He was able to have a full pre season and is now showing his true potential. From memory Campbell Brown said most of that. I haven't read any professionals who know him say he's slow and unskilled. Where have people picked that up from? Is it from actually watching him or if you've just read it, where have you read it? Just interested to know.
  12. 50,001 Rang the Club today to sign up a relative and was informed they reached 50,000 today. Congratulations to everyone who's joined up. Congratulations to the team. Congratulations to the Club .
  13. Wouldn't it be nice if a few more people on here checked their facts before blasting away at people and doubting their capacity. Yarra Park was leaked to the press well before Pert even started at MFC. My guess without any source is that some other retiring CEO wanted to make sure they protected their legacy by making sure they were given credit for the concept. It was leaked way too early and Pert has clearly been in damage control over it ever since he arrived. I hope they are working on plenty of other sites because this one seems very unlikely. Would be spectacular if LDC was right but I doubt they'll be giving up the Holden Centre ever. They might develop Vic Park but I reckon it will be in addition to what they have now.
  14. I'm one of the people who exercised their Democratic right to place someone on Ignore. I haven't engaged with them at all but they either repeated the same view for 6 pages or just engaged in infantile arguments that lower the tenor of this place. Anyway a certain Mod has thankfully given us a month's holiday from the nameless person. Can't help thinking they are Stuie reincarnated.
  15. Love the Ignore function. Just exercised it for the 2nd time in over 10 years on here.
  16. Eddie Everywhere put up his hand in an interview and stated that as the President he told Pert to go in and get involved in the FD at Collingwood when it wasn't going well. Is that what you're talking about? Haven't heard of any other instances. What else do you have for saying this?
  17. Agree. Although I suspect by the end of the season things will be looking a lot better. Mahony seems to be very highly regarded by all at the club including Perty.
  18. Agree with you rjay. But hopefully Mahoney leads from the front in recommending this and it's not left to the new CEO to have to push it.
  19. If I wasn't crying into my cornflakes so much at the moment this OP would be giving me a good laugh. 1. The teams failure onfield is all Pert's fault and if only Mahoney was the CEO like PJ wanted him to be none of this would have happened and we'd be sitting on top of the ladder. Oh Dear! Hang on Mahoney's the head of the FD that's failing so miserably. But it's not his fault he should be the CEO, it's Pert's fault. Hmmm interesting logic. 2. Pert shouldn't have been appointed the CEO because he meddled in the FD at Collingwood. Pert shouldn't be the CEO because the current Melbourne FD isn't performing and it's his fault and he should interfere with the FD. Hmmm interesting logic. 3. Pert shouldn't be the CEO Mahoney should be because PJ wanted a succession plan that gave him a continuing job as a mentor. It doesn't matter that the two biggest issues for the next CEO are facilities and building memberships for the long term survival of the Club. It doesn't matter that Mahoney has absolutely no experience in either of these areas and that Pert's the most experienced and successful CEO in both these areas. 4. Pert's track record so far at MFC. He came out and made a bold statement about membership targets. The following week we had the biggest single increase in year on year membership for the corresponding period that we've ever had. Our membership numbers are going to be around 15% higher than last year's record. Our best increase year on year before that has been about 5-6%. Yes part of that is due to last year's improved performance but the numbers show his direct impact on the increased memberships already. 5. Pert jumped in and gave Goodwin a contract extension. He is therefore a failure. Mahoney is the head of the FD. His role is to oversee the FD and make the personnel calls. He would send the recommendation to the CEO who should empower the person in Mahoney's position to make that call. That in turn as a process has to be ratified by the Board. Can you imagine the discontent if Pert stepped in and overruled Mahoney on this. 6. It's shaping up to be a tough off season for the FD. Unfortunately he is probably have to be engaged in that to some extent. At least in requiring a review. But ultimately he should entrust the head of the FD to do that. 7. By the end of the season with most of a full list back on the park we will be playing good footy again and most of this crisis will be a thing of the past. (I believe.) Injuries, form of so many key players and a very short pre season have created a perfect storm. It will pass. No one will be crediting Pert when that happens and neither should they.
  20. In 2016 we set a membership record of 39,211. The hope was we’d get to 40,000 the next season. We’ve just hit 40,000 and it’s mid March. At the rate of increase in the last 2 weeks we’ll crack over 50,000. That was a dream just 3 years ago and the Club has only just reached finals for the first time. You can see that 60,000 doesn’t seem like such a pipe dream in the next couple of years.
  21. I don't know if anyone else has said this already. In a funny way May getting reported now for one match might be the best thing that could happen to him as he starts his career at the Demons. The one worry for me with getting him was his track record of getting reported. He must be spewing about it and feeling he's let his new team down straight away. I'm sure that will burn in him more than if it happened after he'd been playing here for a while. If the result is that this makes him fix the problem and it never happens again then I'll take the week.
  22. Interestingly since the article that prompted this OP the membership has jumped ahead over 1000 compared to the increase in the same week last year. That's the biggest difference at this time of the year possibly ever. So either Perty's MCC strategy is working or just getting articles out there like this one have focused supporters on getting memberships. Either way we could see a big jump if this continues.
  23. When I first saw the headlines, I was thinking what the...... Why would you set such ridiculous targets but I read the article and see where Perty is coming from. He didn't actually say he was setting any targets. He is saying you could tell by the numbers at the finals that the supporters are out there to potentially reach those sort of numbers. Obviously the challenge is to convert them to members. He is explaining he has already initiated a strategy of working with the MCC to communicate more aggressively with their MFC supporting members to convert them to MFC memberships. I believe there's over 10,000 of them. I'm one of them but have been an MFC member for over 20 years continuously and over 30 on and off. The problem is you are asking all of those people to basically donate the membership without getting anything of real value back. I do it to support the Club but it's a different challenge than converting supporters to members who are going to get access to games they wouldn't otherwise get access to. I believe there's also over 8000 lapsed members. Get those on board and the MCC and you're looking at 66,000 members. In one sense these are the low lying fruit compared to going out and converting non supporters to supporters then members. That's obviously the long term plan. It was only when PJ arrived that we were dreaming of reaching 40,000. 50,000 seemed a long way away. Hopefully we hit it this year. If we get 50,000+ it shows these strategies are staring to wok. If they really bit and we got 55,000 this year it would be basically double the biggest annual increase we've ever had. You can see why Perty got appointed. There's no one more experienced or successful at converting supporters to members. He basically doubled the membership in his time at the Pies by doing this. We are in good hands.
  24. I find it really interesting that the MFC only sign short contract extensions of a couple of years. I wonder if this is player driven or Club driven. As far as I'm concerned Salem has proven he can play at the level and beyond. (He's not a Weideman where there's not enough proof yet. Hopefully there is by the end of this season.) So why wouldn't you sign him up for 4 years not 2. Preuss is one of the only players who's been given a 4 year contract. Go figure.
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