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Posts posted by dee-tox

  1. 2 hours ago, Bombay Airconditioning said:

    Read the article....I was looking for the bit where he talks about his dissapointing form over the last couple of years and how he feels as though he owes the club for everything they've done for him. He could then go onto say after some strong showings in NAB challenge 1 and 2 he feels this could be his breakout year and the thought of free agency hadn't even entered his mind.

    Or the bit where it says we've shopped him around a couple of times for no result?

  2. 10 hours ago, Night Crawler said:

    So he needs to work on his kicking at practice? You do realise that is exactly what he was doing on the weekend? His kicking is terrible. But its not going to get better unless he improves at training and then test it out in PRACTICE games. Sunday was not a good sign but at least he is working on it. Lets cool the jets until he does it in the main event.

    Perfect practice makes perfect. Not just practice. The technique is still wrong. That's what worries many posters. Needs to guide the ball properly onto the boot and lose the high ball drop. Balance and technique are crucial.

    It can be done. Russell Roberson fixed his kicking as did many others by pure hard work. The other alternative is to just handball like Todd Viney and Alistair Nicholson did!

  3. It's a fan site so objectivity isn't high on the agenda, but I don't know how anyone here could really garner much out of this game. Apart from Oliver and Watts I thought it was goddamn awful. Sure there were nice goals from Tyson, Garlett but so much of it was D grade bordering on F grade.

    I don't get the love for Frost. Can't kick, decision making is awful. Headless chook.

    Wagner and Hunt look a million miles away. 

    Tom McDonald should spend all his time on learning basic skills. It is possible to run and kick at the same time.

    Overall, everyone says: yeah, it's only a practice game. But under less pressure and against reserve opposition, AFL standard players should be able to execute their skills at a far higher level than a normal game.

    • Like 4
  4. 5 hours ago, monoccular said:

    Interesting to read your observations on Salem.  Was that watching live or on TV?  Poor defensive positioning meaning wrong side of his opponent or trailing him?  

    I also read that the acting captain gave them a serve at the end of the half time break.   Good to hear that there is some leadership out there.  

    Interesting indeed. I made exactly the same observation with my one and only training report. There the coaches were incessantly telling Salem to position himself. At the time I questioned his concentration/fitness.

  5. Was also there for a couple of hours. Here's a few random observations:

    Garland, Harmes and Tmac are three of the most vocal/encouraging in the group.

    Garlett was told to forget his left foot by Rawlings after a particularly bad attempt at goal.

    Ben K. worked particularly hard, so much so that he had a chunder during one exercise. Garlo was there to put an arm around him.

    Max Gawn is looking incredibly fit!

    Dom Tyson's kicking was quite ordinary. Many helicopter kicks.

    Jack Trengove looks ready to return to the action. Running at three quarter pace was solid.

    Coaches were regularly riding Salem hard for not getting into position. Fitness/concentration seems an issue.

    Pedo was looking dangerous up forward with a number of excellent marks.

    Frost is quick but skills are ordinary.

    Jack Viney is one single minded mudder effa! Works incredibly hard. When he yells out though his voice breaks like a pubescent teenager!

    His father is quite garrulous these days!

    Rawlings is an extremely positive influence around the group. Always encourages.

    Dean Kent and Hogan look particularly sharp during the drills.

    Tom Bugg looks like a mountain man. Then again he hails from Gembrook so no surprise!


    • Like 20
  6. 5 hours ago, Dee Dee said:

    I don't mind Jones, not the most skilled player on the list but he certainly gives his all (Geelong game as an example).

    A last resort pick for sure, but we've had worse.

    As for Terlich: lucky bugger's played at the highest level, which is more than I have!

    Jones kicked a couple and kept Enright quiet in his 300th. More of that and he can retain a spot on the list.

    • Like 1
  7. On 12/6/2015 at 11:40 PM, Bombay Airconditioning said:

    Great point,

    Great question,

    I think the younger players have led the way along with Jones and Vince.. Garland, Howe, Watts, Dawes and The Prince all went missing for large parts of the season.

    Grimes tries but....

    Dunn had his moments. 

    Some will tell you they haven't been coached properly because apparently you need a top line coach to have a bit of self respect. 

    Its a killer when your getting flogged and losing the tackle count.

    Garland no. Was solid last season.

  8. names don't make great footy lists GTG. great footballers make those lists great

    currently we have a list full of names of potential. the big p

    these boys have to learn, & then show they can cut it; then they have to show how far they can go in their games.

    the list doesn't maketh the man.

    Funny Deluded you can find an oversized P, but can't find the shift button to use a capital letter to start a sentence?

    • Like 2
  9. Lynden Dunn says hi

    If you think Dawes has trouble catching the footy then you'll be even more disappointed in Dunn. Not sure if I've ever seen him take an overhead mark. Not what you want as a chf.

    We need one mid to tall forward with pick 3 or 7. All those available to us are flawed. I hope Francis slips through.

  10. Convinced myself that Toumpas could play.

    Said nice things about Mitch Clark.

    Argued that Sylvia would come good.

    Said Stefan Martin would never be a footballers' bootlace.

    Believed Schwabby's whiteboard Wednesdays.

    Convinced myself that Liam Jurrah was a clean-cut tribal elder that would be AFL's greatest story.

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