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Everything posted by Deelectable

  1. Trac doesn't have to say anything if he so chooses. This media driven rubbish is over.
  2. You're kidding yourself if you think there's a snowflakes chance in hell that Petracca, and for that matter Oliver, leaves the club. Not sure if you quite know how the media works but it's sole intention is to stir up this sort of frenzy. Clearly succeeded on this issue. I don't mind Kane Cornes but I had to laugh when he used the phrase that Christian was ' possibly disgruntled '. Effin hilarious! That is code for we've made this up with no knowledge of the facts. Media Street 2024.
  3. Doesn't make me uncomfortable at all mate but the Petracca issue is over similar to the gameday thread is at the final siren. You say you're concerned about character assassinations? Close the thread! Petracca is staying. End of! Why let it fester? Some will over dramatise anything and before you know it there's meltdown. Move on.
  4. Agreed but given that's the case why not such down this thread? The club has made a categoric statement. What more do you need? Topic over just like pre game each week.
  5. If people catastrophise in their personal lives like they do on this this site they have my deepest sympathy. Fair dinkum!
  6. Really looking forward to the trade period. Our finals series!!
  7. Demonland have closed threads for less. Please mods treat like a pre gameday thread and shut it down. This story is well and truly over. Correction. Never a story. Just Tom Morris garbage!
  8. 25 pages basically devoted to the [censored] Tom Morris. How embarrassing.
  9. This thread is simply embarrassing for the most part. Somehow Tom Morris has ignited a flame in some based on nothing. Just pitiful.
  10. Why is anyone believing this [censored] Morris? Another suitably vague report with caveats. No substance, no proof and zero credibility from this recalcitrant. Staggered those on here believing his unsubstantiated drivel. Petracca, along with Oliver, is going nowhere. Jog on.
  11. I'm not always in agreement with you Binman but extremely well said. Given all the circumstances I would go as far to say this was one of our very best performances on and off the field for the season. TBH I was expecting a horror show. Port are current flag favourites. Dumped Swans by 20 goals. Effed if I know what people expect! It has been the season from hell for multiple reasons. Only exceeded by the horror show of 2019. Never like losing but that was palatable. Our endeavour with little to play for was first class despite being so undermanned. . Some may not agree but the consolation was a better spot in the draft. I was downcast for 5 mins after the game until reality set in. Well done Demons!
  12. Agreed . According to some on here we did a million things wrong, half the team are spuds with a terrible game plan. Quite incredulous to think that we lost by a kick to arguably the premiership favourites who were missing few. Can you imagine if we got all the aforementioned right? Wow! I for one was rapt with the performance. The endeavour, desire and aggression were first class.
  13. Isn't there also the matter of Lombard and Ashcroft that could shunt us further back? To add insult to injury if we likely finish higher than StKilda there is the Josh Battle compo to be concerned about. Nevertheless a top 10 is huge!
  14. Also what do wild pigs have to do with going for a premiership?🐖
  15. Enjoy being glass half empty if that excites you. Of course Brayshaw's loss is still a major issue. Not only a top premiership player, 3rd in the Brownlow but we had no opportunity to replace him. To a lesser extent the same with Smith. No star but easily our best forward in last year's final series. I found the game a fascinating watch with high pressure applied. If 20 goals each is your thing good luck to you. Pointless listing all the things that have gone wrong for us this as you'll only shoot them down.
  16. Impossible to fathom the negativity of many on here re last nights loss. Just a friendly reminder that we had multiple stars missing, one down on form, late withdrawals through illness, others obviously hampered and coming up against a premiership contender now second on the ladder with few injuries that smashed the ladder leading Swans by 20 goals last week. Seriously, what were people expecting.l? I for one was delighted. Billings or Thostrup kick either goal and we win. Decisions went against us. A number of players showed plenty. With not much to play for the spirit, aggression and pressure was immense. We lost by a kick. Take a reality check. Suns won. We drop to 13th. Losing never good but this was the next best thing.
  17. Very tough assessments there indeed. Thought Turner, Lever and Sparrow were all very good contributors. The pile on of Clarry is obscene.
  18. Really hoping that Clarry and Viney put on ice. Jack was enormous early but faded. I suspect both require surgery so do it now. I'd add Max to that list but not happening.
  19. Actually make that 13th on the ladder and if the Saints win tomorrow and pull off another surprise that's pick 6 notwithstanding academy intervention. Huge!!
  20. Have no idea why the wrist slashing from some on here. A superb performance from an incredibly undermanned team against a now top 2 team who trounced the ladder leaders by 20 goals last week. If someone said to you at the start of the season May, Brayshaw, Smith, Bowey, Petracca, Spargo, Hunter and a massively underdone and injured Oliver we're going to be missing we'd settle for a competitive 8+ goal defeat. The team we're brave and unlucky. Add the fact that a narrow loss is more than creditable and with the Suns winning we go 12th and will probably stay there I'm rapt. Don't like losing but this is different. Praying we rest some guns for the next two weeks and see ehat Jefferson has got. We are not the spent force like many suggest. So like forward to to draft and trade period and an early return to the track after a well rested off season.
  21. Based on that alone simply cannot give our first pick for him. This draft is jam packed with gun midfielders. Cal Twomey saying that any of them could be considered puck one. Lunacy to give that up for a half back. Yes, his kicking us elite but we have viable options there already. I will totally lose faith in our recruitment department if we cave on thus one. Having said that not sure how the deal gets done if we're hellbent.
  22. Really sick and tired with all and sundry, commentators included, slagging the champion that is Clayton Oliver. Issues well documented and 14 pins in his hand and still our highest possession gatherer for the season. He'll be back bigger and better than ever. Champions are rare. Give him the respect he deserves.
  23. Direct swap for LDU and I'm down for it.😉
  24. Very happy to take your money re no goals. His intensity at VFL level has come in leaps and bounds. Really hoping to see him in the last two weeks of the season.
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