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Everything posted by YearOfTheDees

  1. Was going to ask why the emergency umpire does not watch the game with this in mind. But I see they dropped having an emergency umpire when they went to four field umps.
  2. The AFL can sneak off and change the rules now and that's fine. Just let the players know first.
  3. True-- But not once you let lawyers in on the action.
  4. In the words of Goodwin - The finding is unjust or the fabric of the game has changed. It was the first one Mr Goodwin.
  5. Spot on. Appeals board rules that the Tribunal is not permitted to make up the rules as it goes along...
  6. So they found that what we said on Tuesday night was correct.
  7. No. They can take themselves to court if they really want to.
  8. I think they have asked Rod Oakshott to read out the findings.
  9. Tribunal have just realized they used a Queens Council instead of a Kings Council. We have to come back tomorrow.
  10. I worry about the effect it can have on the entire team.
  11. Gone well past the average time now, maybe they want to sit until after Saturdays game and get one week out of this farce.
  12. Lets face it the lights have been off at the Tribunal for years now.
  13. 8 minutes to go. I'm told 40 minutes is the average time for deliberating.
  14. This Tweet Just saw on the news that Brad Green has been sanctioned by the AFL for his twitter comment into this ban! The club has been asked to explain his criticism of the Tribunal on Twitter
  15. General feeling on Tweeter is that we have not done enough to over turn the decision. And a lot of stuff about Shrek.
  16. I think we had to pay $10,000 to appeal which we get back if/when we win.
  17. Surprised to see Harmes not even listed as an emergency. Thought he did ok once he came on.
  18. Can't help but think the Melbourne like the rest of the football world expected this to be thrown out on Tuesday night. They did not go as hard as they should have because of this. A very Melbourne thing to do.
  19. Sooner or later the Hawks will shock a team and play out of their skins, you don't want to be team on the end of that.
  20. But you have to love the defense they put up. Ridley ran into Rioli.
  21. You're not guilty until you go to the Tribunal. I know is sound weird but it's like a speeding ticket. You can accept the ticket or fight it. If you fight it and lose you can appeal.
  22. You get to except a ban or fight in at the Tribunal. " sometimes you get a discount if you except" If you take it to the Tribunal and you lose you can appeal. There are rules around the appeal that you have to meet.
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