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Posts posted by DeelightfulPlay

  1. 8 minutes ago, WalkingCivilWar said:

    Is moving house your hobby or something? You seem to do it every five minutes. Here’s an idea: next time you move house… move back to Melbz. 😃

    Au contraire, given I'm not the organising type!  But the rental market in Syd was so bad I only got a 6 mth lease.  Now I'm moving to a forever* home which should put a stop to all this silliness!  Still going to be near the SCG though 😁  it's just not the weekend if you don't hear the stadium sirens!

    *at least until I eventually move back to Melb

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  2. 3 minutes ago, WalkingCivilWar said:

    Clarrie clearly had other things on his mind. I asked him how are you and he said, “starving!” 😁

    Speaking of a painful end, I just sat in a puddle on a bench. Not drops of water… an actual puddle. And now my ‘end’ is threatening to join the Let’s Deprive Her Of All Feeling list. The things one does for one’s Club 😑

    Maybe you can borrow a hoodie from one of the boys... shouldn't do much for your 'end' but may reignite some feeling elsewhere 😂😂

    • Haha 2
  3. Just now, WalkingCivilWar said:

    I can’t feel my fingers and my toes are well on their way to following suit. I’m staring down the barrel of hypothermia 

    Thank you for your sacrifice!!  But you've just dodged one painful end, so please try and dodge hypothermia! Maybe ask Clarry for some tips on how to regain feeling in your fingers?

    • Haha 3
  4. 11 minutes ago, WalkingCivilWar said:

    Noticeable absentee: Luker 🤔 


    Not the best vids since it’s hard to hold an umbrella and film at the same time. Hopefully I captured everyone who was there (figuratively, not literally 🙃).


    Players, again

    Players, yet again

    You guessed it… 

    Apologies in advance if I’ve posted one of these twice, double the apologies if thrice. 🤭


    This is the best training report we've had on Demonland.  I can pretend I'm there while remaining cosy in my bed in Sydney!

    Also, thanks for foregoing the dryness and warmth of your own home to get to Gosch's!

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  5. 2 hours ago, Timothy Reddan-A'Blew said:

    'Deride' is harsh on us, DP. I feel it presents us as worthy of 'ovation', at least. 'Missiles', too, though unclear as to where along its ('their'?😄) evolution!

    Exit, stage right.

    Our victory may be less important than a triumph (and of vanishingly small odds that we actually achieve it), but maybe we can secure some missiles of the Roman meaning if we resort to using some missiles of the contemporary meaning!

    • Haha 2
  6. 2 hours ago, pitmaster said:

    Yes. It's been worrying me recently since I notice myself doing it. I think it happens because we begin speaking before we know exactly where the sentence is heading or before we realise our subject will be plural. I think a millisecond's thought should prevent it. Can we manage that?


    I suspect you're right but my singular brain cell isn't known for forethought!

    • Haha 1
  7. 29 minutes ago, WalkingCivilWar said:

    “There’re” is the correct contraction, DP. You rarely see it used, though. 

    Oh I know the correct contraction, WCW!  Just fear language is evolving to treat the singular contraction as applicable to the plural (and even have been found guilty of doing so while speaking myself from time to time 😳)

    • Haha 1
  8. 11 minutes ago, Timothy Reddan-A'Blew said:

    Thank you, DP. You are not alone.

    Though we may be...

    But not without a fight:

    https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/the-original-definition-of-decimate#:~:text=The issue that many people,mean “to destroy a large

    (...Though perhaps more informative than supportive!!)

    We may indeed be alone... even MW derides us, despite preserving the original meaning!

    Informative but glossed over the median usage (re percentage) in between the Romans and today with only a brief mention of tithing!  It's a bit like literally and figuratively, with literally now having a common usage of which figuratively used to have the sole domain.  Sure we can live with the evolution of language, but I'll remain twitchy!  Precision of meaning can be vital for productive communication and consensus buil--!!  *DP is pulled off-stage by a hook*

    • Haha 2
  9. 20 hours ago, Ouch! said:

    I can't believe that Adrian Anderson, the same guy that managed to get off Charlie Cameron for being a 'good bloke' handled out case so poorly. It was a disgrace, and I'm still disgusted like you are. 

    iirc seems Anderson has not won a case for the MFC except for that JVR case last season

    • Angry 1
  10. 36 minutes ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    Anyone who believes in the integrity of the AFL may as well believe in the tooth fairy! Look at the way they manipulate outcomes and punish teams who don't toe the line. I'm not a fan of theirs but the way the AFL handed down a punitive trade ban on Sydney because they signed Buddy from under the nose of GWS was an absolute disgrace. Never mind the million other examples you could come up with of them manufacturing a desired outcome.

    More likely that the tooth fairy exists than the AFL having a scrap of integrity, these days...!

    • Like 3
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  11. 1 hour ago, Binmans PA said:

    Except I'm not the coach in the presser. ;)

    Goody is classy. 

    No doubt the Wegels were great last week, their tails up at home and we were terrible.

    But COVID would at least partly explain our worse loss since the middle of 2020.

    The idea that Chris Scott is secretly a die hard Dees fan, who posts very regularly and insightfully on Demonland, and has styled himself as the personal assistant to binman is too funny.  Thanks for the laugh!

    • Like 1
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  12. Sorry everyone, I went and put on a scarf in the first quarter break while watching at home in Sydney.  Haven't unpacked the gear from when I last visited Melbourne, so grabbed the premiership scarf which hangs by my bed instead.  Might have mozzed us for that quarter!

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