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Everything posted by thirty-one

  1. Thanks for the uh update, Andy. Mojo for getting everythign up and running again without many snafus.
  2. If Dogga came back, he can't have #6 back. I seem to have a thing for whoever's in #6. (Who had it before Dogga?)
  3. He walked happily in the Midsumma parade with BBB, Hester and the Ruby Demons. He seems like a really nice bloke from the little I've had to do with him. He looks strong and fit.
  4. Well I'm not there for starters. I'm now a long long way away. I told Max that we'd better have a good season, I want to see him in September.
  5. Cries. I'm going to miss training tomorrow and there looks like there's no more open sessions before I go back to Seattle. (Literally cries. I was hanging on seeing two more sessions before I leave.)
  6. I saw him talking to a ?trainer? on Wednesday, saying he was feeling a hammy whilst poking at a spot right under his buttock. "A bit of hamstring awareness" I thought to myself but apparently it is a little bit more than that. Didn't mention it at the time because we had other excitement going on plus there was no indication that it was anything at that point.
  7. Roo tackled Max at one point, brought him to the ground and held him there, showing a bit of aggro. Bill Laurie outran Clarrie at one point, which rather surprised me, not that Clarrie is really fast but I didn't think Laurie was either, and also laid a ferocious tackle on ?Clarrie?
  8. In cleaning out the attic, I'm finding all sorts of gems that I've been lugging around since the late 90s when the parental home was sold. This is a goody! The menu that my mum must've gotten signed. She was passionate about the Dees but I'm not sure she ever saw a live match after they sacked Smithy. I can even read most of the signatures, which would be rare these days.
  9. Look at that coach running around having fun. He looks as fit as the boys.
  10. Something I realised - Clarrie doesn't have his shoulder strapped any more. How long was it strapped for? When did the strapping disappear? Also, in the runs back and forth at the end of training, he was not the fastest in the first two or three but by the last one (after a bunch had dropped out), he led the pack. Also I sorta wonder that if some of the guys were pretty knocked around by the heat on Monday - it was freaking hot. I see Tmac was back in full training on Friday.
  11. Woecakes, we fly out that day. Gotta go back to reality.
  12. And that is an open session with activities and stuff to go with it. So is Wednesday at Gosch's. Gosch's Paddock 📅 Wednesday, January 22 📍 Gosch's Paddock ⏰ 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM (Players on track from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM) Casey Fields 📅 Monday, January 20 📍 Casey Fields ⏰ 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Players on track from 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM) Both training sessions on the 20 and 22 of January will have the following activities: Pop-Up Membership Booth: Secure your spot and all the perks of being part of our Demon tribe. Demon Shop: Stock up on the latest merch to show your true colours. Sausage Sizzle: Enjoy a snag thanks to our Demon Army. Coffee Van: Try to keep your energy levels on par with our Demons! Harvest Snaps Giveaways: A crunchy treat to enjoy while you cheer.
  13. Yeah, both followed footy. My father varied between two teams apparently and had absolutely no say in who us kids followed. We are up to our fifth generation of Demons now. NB noone has married a Collingwood supporter. Mum would be rolling in her grave, or more her ashes would be jiggling if that happened.
  14. Poo, blast and bottom. No training for me tomorrow, I have Covid. Spewin'. The good news is that I should be right for the family day.
  15. I'm over that, the squirts but not the Dees. dh caught covid and now I'm on covid-watch, testing every day and waiting for any symptoms. Don't want to spread it around!
  16. 😂 With a rather large airfare attached. I'm currently home, enjoying the warmth and brightness of a Melbourne summer.
  17. Sorry, been a bit busy. Umm, no. I could've been related to Jack Mueller - Mum used to dance with him at the club dinner dances - but she married a non-Demon. I love my club - being away has taught me that - and I want it to survive, so I do my little bit.
  18. So next Wednesday, Gosch's paddock? I've got to use up the $50 I put on my myki.... ETA good glob, I'm now a Demon!
  19. Thanks Andy and the Demonland team. For someone who lives a long way from Home and hasn't been able to get to a match in over ten years, it makes a huge difference in my ability to keep up with things happening with the MFC, the latest goss, what's going on behind the scenes, etc. Wishing everyone here a great 2025 and GO DEES! Please please Dees, make me fly Home in September! (Then I'll be able to drive my orange EV again. Zoom zoom!)
  20. I'm one of the automatic renewals. Haven't been able to see a game live for umm... I think I saw one in 2010 or 11. But I pays me money because I want my team to survive. I'd be a 30+ year member but for the year I didn't pay up after they gave Woe the flick.
  21. I didn't make it either - was still a bit worried that 40 minutes on a train would be a bit long for my guts to deal with... Then I got in a car and drove to Albury so go figure. Pity you weren't there because you would've had a Demonland exclusive regarding Max.
  22. If I've got the same stomach bug, I know why he's not at training. Talk about the squirts! Jeez. I can't imagine training when you want to double up with the cramps that go with it.
  23. He pretty much blushed and rammed the guernsey back on immediately. Jeez. No fun!
  24. Must say he looked alright with his guernsey off the other day. 👍
  25. And you! Maybe see you another time.
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