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  1. Indeed it does. Hence why I'm not remotely bothered by the thoughts and words of a bloke 12 red wines in who spoke candidly. I don't think it's evidence of anything and needs no further examination.
  2. Not being a fan of the rant is hugely different from declaring it immature, spoilt, arrogant and claiming it was an excuse. But see how easy it is to maybe go a bit over the top in an answer and maybe get carried away using language that isn't necessarily reflective of your whole thoughts on a situation?
  3. "We're better than them" "Play out brand, we've got them covered" "We know we're a better side" is the exact sort of messaging that would be used internally in every single game they go out to play. In the week leading up to it, pre game, during quarter breaks, the works. Calling it immature, arrogant or spoilt shows an enormous lack of understanding about the psychology required to will yourself to contest after contest, and how important trusting your teammates to best their opponents is. Without that mindset, you're on a hiding to nothing, and every contest becomes about luck because you're not there utterly convinced that you can beat your man. He never once made an excuse in saying what he said. It was almost the exact opposite - that it was hard and he hating watching the Pies go on and win the flag because he knows we're better. That's an admission of failure that's now burning, not an excuse.
  4. She's from SA 😔😢
  5. When media aren't talking us up during the year, people sook and whinge that we aren't being given the credit we 'deserve'. We failed when it counts two years in a row. Either we're not actually a top 4 side and there's no need for anyone to talk us up or recognise our successes during the year, or we are good, and repeated failures in finals are exposing an inability to win when it matters - that IS mental weakness. Being terrible in wet weather for literally as long as I can remember is mental weakness - rigidity and an inability to change game style to suit conditions. Losing players to suspension when we really really need them, giving away 50m penalties, not taking best and first option and instead turning the footy over in crucial moments - it's all mental weakness. They're not robots, so you've got to expect a degree of fragility and each player to have mental deficiencies in their own areas, but anyone that can't see that we lack that killer instinct, hack the bone ruthlessness that dynastically great teams had doesn't watch us well enough. We rarely put sides away. We often leave teams in the contest when games should be well and truly wrapped up. So many of our players fail when they're gifted the opportunity to put a result beyond doubt. Excuses about being rattled by a teammates' concussion a week after the fact, is pretty grim if true. There's a really really easy to to avoid anyone discussing the club in a manner like they have since last Friday... just win. Win, and the noise ceases to exist.
  6. The idea of trust is such an odd one to me. Why would you trust or not trust an organisation you have absolutely nothing to do with? I don't trust that they're on the right path, nor that they're not. I can only respond to what is happening as it happens. And as it happens, we're losing and not playing good footy. So that's all I've got to respond to right now. Trusting that it'll come good because it has once in the last 59 seems like an enormous leap of faith and fairly unreasonable. If it comes good - brilliant, I'll then be able to respond that indeed we were on the right path. That will be a change from current form line though.
  7. Gawn might have to give up his all consuming desire to be seen as a likeable goofball and harness some nastiness if he wants his twilight years to be of any value. When we're being smashed in clearances, he's not taking marks around the ground, and responds to being targeted by flopping, moping, and appealing for free kicks, other clubs are going to very easily identify how to put him off his game and employ the same tactics week in week out.
  8. There strange belief that training is somehow designed or done with any fan or supporter in mind is so baffling to me. Your favourite band don't give you daily updates when writing and recording new music, they don't stream live recording sessions and rehearsals. The rehearsing and filming of the movies and tv shows you watch aren't made readily available to the public. Training time is for the players and the club. Keen eyes choosing to wander by and observe is entirely their prerogative, but there seems to be a real loss of the purpose of training and that it's not designed for public consumption or sharing. It's a time for professionals to hone their craft and simulate situations they may face in games etc. If it needs to be moved at the last minute as its deemed that's the best course of action to help win games, then that has to be ok. There should be no expectations from supporters that training is aimed at or particularly takes them into consideration. Training galleries have been consistent and uploaded almost immediately twice a week for almost the entirety of pre season. Digital channels have utilized short, sharp, tiktok style clips which is what those most engaged with technology currently know and expect. I know summer is long, and everyone's aching for footy, but the things people find to complain about are getting very very petty. The club's media stuff is fine. It's better than some clubs, worse than others, but this idea that it's the worst in the league is laughable.
  9. 1. Being thicc is a good thing. Nobody under the age of 35 is being offended by being called thic. Thickett was a good play on words and him being newly swol and being able to be called thic would honestly be a compliment. 2. When a young dude deletes all his insta photos, makes his profile private, and changes his profile picture to one of him and his gf, 99% of the time it's coz he's been a bit over excited on insta, liking girls' photos, chatting in DMs etc etc. A knee jerk reaction to delete all posts that may have likes and comments from girls he shouldn't have been engaging with, and then a very clear "I'm taken" stance by making his profile pic one of him and his gf is pretty standard "I've gone a bit rogue and need to pull my head in/show public commitment to my missus" behaviour. I think you lot forget that early 20s footballers are still early 20s kids with early 20s drama and early 20s responses that you probably have no clue about!
  10. Not a single person has seemed to realise that Kozzie put a lot of time into being a defensive forward on Caleb Daniel. When the Dogs beat us in round 19 last year, Daniel had 34 possessions, 128 AFL Fantasy Point and kicked one goal. Even in the Grand Final when the Dogs barely touched the ball for 45 minutes, he ended that game having 37 touches and 126 Fantasy Points. On Wednesday night he was kept to 26, and they weren't overly effective - only 89 fantasy points. Anyone that didn't see what Koz was doing and the role his was playing needs to watch the game again.
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