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Everything posted by Chook

  1. You'd think a team that just missed finals by the smallest margin ever would realise you're never ever ever allowed to take your foot off your opposition's throat when you think you've won it.
  2. Fritch back on the ground. Looks to have healed up his broken ribs even faster than we thought he could.
  3. Broken rib here for Fritch I reckon. [censored]!
  4. Buggy's kicking for goal is absolutely atrocious. I'm a massive fan, but he absolutely has to sort that out yesterday.
  5. Sure! Give me a dollar if the crows win. I'll give you a million if the Tiges do.
  6. Crows'll win but, so it's a bad bet no matter the odds.
  7. Bugg's not a sniper. He's a pest. There's a massive difference.
  8. If you take a pack mark basically in the goal square and get a chance to win the game, you've earned the right to miss the goal. I hope you don't, but you're still doing ok to get that far at all.
  9. Yeah but Vineys injured so life is meaningless.
  10. I'll gladly give him another playing contract if he can prove his worth off-field like this.
  11. I can't imagine anyone in the Club gives a rat's toss bag about this story (if they even know it exists). 16/03/2018 — Season still on track
  12. Official word is he's out with a toe. Given that he has 10 of them it's probably not a major thing.
  13. Looks like Trac was giving Oliver a bit of a raz about his glass chin after that goal.
  14. Fritsch is as clear an inclusion as I've seen from a first-year player in a very long time.
  15. Brad Green's looking good these days...
  16. I don't reckon his hands are quite as good as they've been in the past…but it's only early.
  17. Love that passage of play. Mark in defence by our boom recruit, contested mark by Pedders, who kicks it long and with good body work by Trac we get a goal. Just solid contested stuff all the way down the field.
  18. I can now envisage a situation in which the Hungry Jack's AwayTeam™ comes out at 2:10pm on a Saturday afternoon and the Bunnings HomeTeam (patent pending) comes out to contest the opening bounce, but is penalised 10k for doing so.
  19. Buggy works bloody hard, that's all I'll say for now. He's definitely earning his way back into the team the hard way.
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