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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. Two things: It is 'loser,' and as Deeluded will tell you, that 'fight remark' was an in joke between myself and the excitable, if well-meaning, Deeluded. Oh, and a third thing. In this instance it is "you're a joke."
  2. You are really clutching at straws here JCB. Did we have a 'run in' when you first came on here or something? I vaguely remember... Warnock will be in the Emergencies, he shouldn't be a sub though as it would defeat the purpose of having a fresh runner around more tired legs. But that is beside the point isn't it? You just want everyone to know how clever you are, and how anyone who disagrees with you is misguided. If they don't admit it, you PM them into submission. Edit: Rubbish in seperate thread.
  3. Classic JCB - You decry a posters behaviour and then in the same post you allude to that poster being a "c###". Great stuff. Really great.
  4. These are not my words but the words of one of those 'with views that do not match mine' that was PMd to me a few weeks ago. Rather ironic, as I would accuse the poster that sent me that PM of your description of 'my comments.' There is nothing wrong with it. And if we have the luxury of playing Garland third tall then we are doing very well, and I know Colin could thrive in such a position.
  5. Yeah, I didn't mean to imply that you meant anything other than a clarification of law. I should have put some space between my first line and the rest. The argument of 'she was legal' is trotted out by a few people who want to defend the footy players but, honestly, if that was your daughter, what would be your view? Of course it is consensual too and they have no duty of care, but neither does she. They didn't look after anything other than their own arses and she has acted the way teenage girls act when they are hurt, frustrated, and ignored - with an excited fervour tinged with naivete and a touch of malice. And this txt back-and-forth with an experienced AFL player concerning the fascination with group sex, is getting back into the territory of none of my business but...guys, really? You do that to have 'something to talk about at training?' (Do they want immediate feedback on performance, technique? How they look naked and on the job?) You can't read the papers? Play xBox? Jonesy seems happy enough to go to the movies with his (one) girl and talk (or tweet) about it. And he didn't even have to watch it in front of the rest of the lads... The key is they are rock stars and they are acting like it becasue all their friends are rockstars. Make sure that our kids have 'real' friends to bring them back down to earth please? I'm looking at you Chris Connolly...
  6. Weight and height can be overblown. Frawley is only a cm taller than Garland. He's as tall as Morton. What does it tell you? In and of itself - nothing. And Garland has towelled up Fev twice now. And he's the heaviest FF going around.
  7. Unless you mean them. I think you are saying that actions speak louder than words. I just wouldn't say that they are 'worth nothing.' Junior may have said something similar 13 years ago. Those words would have been worth something.
  8. Aside from the obvious that isn't a bad team. FB Rivers Frawley Batram HB Grimes Garland MacDonald C Davey Scully Sylvia HF Petterd Watts Wonaeamirri FF Campbell Green Jurrah R Jamar, Moloney, McKenzie I Trengove Dunn Morton S A runner from the following: E Bate, Bennell, Jones, Gysberts, Bail, Warnock, Maric, Jetta, Blease, Strauss, Tapscott, and the rest.
  9. No, because some are adamant that Colin NEVER, EVER will be a KPD. He's apparently NOT TALL ENOUGH or STRONG ENOUGH to be a KPD, nor, according to some, has he EVER played as a KPD. But I don't agree. He can play on a variety of forwards - from Betts to Fevola. In this instance he does go from being a KPD to a BP but will still invariably pick up a focal point, an important forward, and he will invariably do well. And he will, unlike Warnock, do some damage with the pill and make his direct opponent think about somehting other than getting the ball himself. He's value in the backline and I don't think he should be playing as a wingman.
  10. Or for Mclean it meant nothing and was bullsh!t. Give a kid a chance...
  11. If Cale gleaned from Cam how to run hard for 120 mins then Cam would have had an effect on our flag hopes after all... And I still see Cale as Flag Core. Could be a great winger/ute.
  12. "By Key Position Back do you mean HBF, BP, or defensive utility?" Or he might mean Key Position Back... Still curious as to who you remove from our midfield to give Col a go... ...with Davey, Moloney, Sylvia, Jones, Scully, Trengove, Morton, Batram, Gysberts, Jetta, Bennell, Blease, Strauss, Grimes, Maric, and Bail all trying to be crammed into approx. 9 or 10 positions in the 22? And playing him on a wing for ten minutes a game does not a change of position make.
  13. My crass 'pinned down' comment concerned Doggo managing to twist Deeluded in knots after he opined that he would prefer a situation that became untenable - Warnock being the weakest of the 4 tall defenders and having him play ahead of Rivers because of some wanton desire to make Garland a third tall. You cannot (well you can but people will point it out) give alternatives that don't pan out to reason. Other than crass gloating, I don't really see an issue with the comment. People can disagree with the 'group think' on here if they wish. I disagree it with myself on occasion (if such a thing exists). But I don't aggrandise my arguments by suggesting that those who disagree with me are just engaging in 'group think.' Not that you just did, I realise. I just don't like the term.
  14. Semantics aside, I'm pretty sure you would prefer these footy players not have sex with 16 year olds, but. And not impregnate, then dump, then have the club attempt to sweep it under the carpet with the help of the AFL and the PoPo, and then make themselves out to be victims because the whole world has seen their peepee? I guess it comes down to, motives aside, whether you think a 16/17 year old being treated in such a way by mid-20s AFL players, a footy club, the AFL, and the Police is equivalent to getting your giblets splashed over the internet. Note: I posted earlier I was staying out of this. It's a mixed bag - the photos are none of my business (although NDS needs a SMPE) what they do with their homoerotic spare time is worth none of mine but the stories that have I heard over the last few days aren't good for the Saints and footy in general, and I am comfortable commenting on that.
  15. Yeah, and Garland will be a winger. You should start a poll and see how that insight travels with the rest of the Demon fraternity. "We have a really good key position back and a sh!tload of mids, but let's make him a mid aswell." And you're not DC.
  16. You learn something new... Well, at least your flippancies are worth something and are at least worthwhile to wander one's eyes over. You can't say that for everyone... And no, I am not being self reflective.
  17. Can we have a moratorium of emoticons? Overused... 3 lines, DC. And two emoticons? It's excessive. Just alot of emotion in small moving-picture form. We have hijacked this thread... So, yeah, good present. Umm, I got some ties, and a book on 'famous last words'. Should be an enthralling 15 mins that book...
  18. The guy on the left looks like the guy from Die Hard. The bloke who gets himself killed. Great movie, though. I should have stayed and watched the marathon yesterday instead of going to the cricket.
  19. Huh? Not really getting the Dorothy reference. And you do know I'm being facetious in this thread, yeah? I mean, I'm flogging a dead horse for those who 'get' what I'm saying, but...I'm bored. You know what they say about idle hands...
  20. Not somewhat - entirely. For as long as you buy from the Demon Shop that is just as good as buying a membership.
  21. No, mitigating circumstances. But if she ever converted to the 'right' side then she would have to buy a membership or do her purchasing at the Demon Shop.
  22. As long as he shops at the Demon Shop all is forgiven. For one equates to the other.
  23. My mates and I called him 'Strawbs' and he was a very good footy player, and from all accounts, and the way he died, an amazing person. I'm very proud of him and I don't know him at all. I don't know how to finish that thought.
  24. Yeah, the Tiges... They have no way of doing it but, they are the ones... Yeah, well said Nasher. Next person to openly say they think Scully will go to GWS goes on my list. If I still have a list, if not, I will start a list. I like lists, is what I am trying to say.
  25. But why is she 'emotionally ill'? You are a result of your environment. They have some 'splaining to do.
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