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Everything posted by TassieDevil

  1. I will buy my interstate MFC membership as usual but also support the local team. Looking forward to taking the grandkids along without me really caring about the result as I would an MFC game.
  2. I was involved in a project mapping facial tumours on our bush block - among all the ones we caught and tagged not one was brown like the Warner Bros version. Nasty buggers though.
  3. That looks like a devil anyway - might get myself one to wear to the games
  4. His brother thinks otherwise - he knows a bit more about the economics of football. Not to mention the social benefits.
  5. The ALP are certain they can renegotiate a deal with the AFL - they have no idea. The AFL's idea of negotiating is telling you what needs to be done.
  6. The start time delayed due to extreme heat - let's hope the heat has an impact on their players
  7. What do Demonlander fans think of a new Tassie team? Is a hot political potato down here as we come to an election. The Premier asked the new team to move the date of team launch - a week before the election - so as not to distract from issues. People who say we should spend the money on healthcare and education do not understand the nature of politics. They also don't realise that most AFLW players have 2nd jobs in education, nursing and other healthcare professions. Most naysayers have likely never been to the G. Go Dees
  8. Byron - the “gutless n!gger” as some bloke called him at the Gabba - Back in 2006. I couldn’t get him thrown out of the QCC members and was fuming. My mate explained "we are in Qld - get used to it.". His mates had to restrain me from taking it further (not physically) and apologised on his drunken behalf. I spoke with several QCC staff - they did nothing. Unforgettable!
  9. Should be punished to a shirtfront from Kozzy as part of a retributive justice process.
  10. Was punched from behind several times in Diamond Valley - only lost conciseness twice (that I can recall). Typically came to with a brawl surrounding me. I do worry about the long term impact though.
  11. Former MP, real estate agent and cop - what a CV
  12. Relocate the failed GCS project and keep it at 18. Few would care, unlike Norf or Dawks
  13. Next we'll be blaming JV for injuring Max's knee when it was clearly the loose turf that caused him to lose his footing.
  14. Both times we were clearly the 2nd best team that year. Hawks at their peak in a decade of dominance. Bombers had one of best year's in VFL/AFL history - and we were boys against men. I sat through both massacres. This team is far better than both - which weren't bad - and have me far more confidant. Not concerned at all about the break. Will have them primed to "demon-strate" they are the best team this year.
  15. I better extend my stay then - thanks for the scoop Eddie (everywhere but WA).
  16. If Olly wins my extravagance in flying to the GF will be paid for :)
  17. Weid is too young for their needs ;)
  18. Every room in the house will be getting red and blue filtered light.
  19. Was lucky to get that Normie - Picken and a few others were far better that day.
  20. Was it JV that copped Guthrie? Was a great little hit - and escaped review. Go Demons
  21. There was an option for "AFL finals" on the G2G application - obviously a huge boost to their economy. Pretty straightforward - need proof of vaccination so make sure you have that. Go Dees. Hope you secured tickets - and flights.
  22. Have a Cat 2 going - PM me Gone sorry
  23. Hi all still desperate - so one last pitch. 60 years a fan - coached by Johnny Townsend and Hassa Mann but never good enough to make it. They used to regale me with stories and watched the surviving footage with Hassa numerous times. I hope that legitimises my pleas
  24. still going?
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