Blumin hell Mick Sinnear is good. Lost by points, season 95% done and dusted and he delivers pretty much the perfect post match speech. Doesn’t sugar coat it, tells truths and says we will go hard against the Pies next week. Love it.
Hats off to Shelley Heath who kept Jaimee Lambert (arguably their most important player) to her statistically worst game for the year. It goes a long way to winning when one of their prime movers and talisman is rendered ineffectual
6. Hanks
5. McNamara
4. Heath
3. Goldy
2. Chaplin
1. Gall
Special mention to Campbell whose ruck tap work is improving but mainly for the ridiculously kamikaze marking effort that led to Zankers left foot goal. It was Tayla Harrisesque
Maeve Chaplin must be in the running for the most improved. Has turned into captain reliable in the backline taking some telling marks and directing traffic. Also has a long accurate kick.