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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Cripes Caulfield Racecourse??? HOW THE HELL AM I GOING TO GET IN THERE FOR TRAINING REPORTS?? I might have to become Bear Grylls, learn how to cross treacherous water ways, navigate like an Olympic Orienteerer, Learn how to jump out of a plane, and negotiating loads of Horse Sheeit. NUP A few other suggestions Redevelop Murphy oval in Pt Melbourne or Fitzroys old pad or look at the land adjacent Flagstaff station
  2. As Groucho once said " Id Horse whip you if I had a Horse"!
  3. Not a bad suggestion Dazzle at all. Now something else of interest. Spoke to a bloke ( Outside the Fence at Casey last training session) and he was checking out this venue and he said his son is playing at Casey this year, but didn't provide his name. He is ( was) a Bulldogs supporter and has been to training this year and he stated very emphatically that DEES TRAINING INTENSITY AND FITNESS WAS THAT FAR AHEAD OF DISHLICKERS IT WASN'T FUNNY!. Interesting !!!!🤩
  4. Daz I'm all Icing on the cake, you would run rings around me re Footy knowledge, just give us the best of Dazz!!
  5. G'Day Daz expecting an Incisive report!!🤩
  6. Yea... Subject to change at late notice!! Anyone know how much flights are to Greenland??
  7. I'm at a pretty lose end this year, I would love to do something like this! Best of all I would nearly do it for just Petrol Costs! Fence travelling attache/ media guy presenting to the Demon Faithful.... As Goldie Wilson said in Back to the future ..... MAYOR! Like the sound of that and just to reiterate! P.F Media........LIKE THE SOUND OF THAT!
  8. His position??‽ somewhere in a cave with seeing eye bats to guide him along!
  9. LOL Pretty hard to get a Closed session with cyclone fencing all around and plenty of great vantage pionts outside the ground. Not the greatest place in the world though Reminds me of classic Deep Purple song Pictures of Home " Somebody's shouting Up at a mountain Only my own words return Nobody's out there It's a deception When will I ever learn? I'm alone here With emptiness eagles and snow Unfriendliness chilling my body And whispering pictures of home Wondering blindly How can they find me Maybe they don't even know My body is shaking Anticipating The call of the black footed crow... I'm alone here With emptiness vipers and snow Unfriendliness chilling my body And taunting with pictures of home Here in this prison Of my own making Year after day I have grown Into a hero But there's no worship Where have they hidden my throne? I'm alone here With emptiness eagles and snow Unfriendliness chilling my body And screaming out pictures of home
  10. Hello Demonlanders, thinking like you all, I imagined that training would be at Gosh's today and at 10.25 logged onto Demonland ready to read your reports! After the first few posts and reading no training and having the morning free thought..... Sod it I'll just dash down there and do a Mini Report as from Berwick its not that far away. Hope thats O'K So no T.V Show intros and setting scenes for this one so I'll just get straight down into it. REHAB CLARRY, MAX, FARRIS WHITE, MELKY, MATT JEFFERSON, JAKEY L, JOEL SMITH AND 1 OTHER I COULDNT PLACE. Glad to see the Club being ultra cautious with Clarrie's thumb BUT the fact he is still troubled with it is worrying ( God I hate Selwood) Got there at 10.50 to see Full match Simulation Game between the Blues and the Whites. Quite clearly the Blues were the A Team and the Whites were the possibles. Some interesting faces in the white Team headed by JvR and on todays form I couldn't pick him for a place in the ones just yet. JAMES JORDON also in White team as was MICHAEL HIBBERD and JOSH SCHACHE ATTACKY . Saw about an Hour and 15 of solid match sims. A few takes. BEN BROWN was in SCINTILLATING form. he must have kicked 5 or 6 goals gave about 3 away. Took strong marks in pack and on the lead. Completely overshadowed ADAM TOMLINSON who although tried was just outmanoevered. HE IS A LOCK FOR ROUND 1 IMV. BRODIE GRUNDY was all over it like a flock of angry seaguls fighting over a legless prawn. His ruckwork was great and his run and carry and work below his knees was flawless. BAYLEY FRITSCH was also in scarry good form kicking some goals and cleverly placing himself in irresistable and dangerous positions.LACHY HUNTER,?? He is going to be a weapon and a half with his Run and carry up and down the wing and Flawless disposal. JAMES HARMES, JV, and KOSSY were just phenomenal in the midfield and just racked up disposals at will.CHARLIE SPARGO complemented the run and carry of the mids and was involved in several chains which resulted in Goals. T.MAC was a little quiet by his standards but still imposes and with his hi end run and leads created many opportunities.JAKE BOWEY playing in the Blue team was impassable across half back and his disposals were alway creative and on the money smart. Looks to have maybe beaten Hibbo for that HBF spot perhaps. The defense of MAY, HARRISON (THE HEARTBREAKER) PETTY were frugal and meaner and madder than a mosquito in a manikin factory.KADE CHANDLER also played for the Blue team and he was busier than a one armed man trying to hang a picture! Kicked some opportunistic goals and was really involved. Thats about all I have and I'll be back at Casey next week with another Blockbuster training and T.V Show dialogue. I hope this mini report makes up somewhat for all you Landers that went to Gosch's which would also have infuriated me! Cheers P.F
  11. Wandered around aimlessly till saw a gate open then took my chance and snuck in. Then as I was getting ready to leave a council worker was going to lock the gate meaning I would have been locked in and preyed on by Vipers through the night. Just managed escape route via same council employee🤩
  12. Remimds me of a better mans Adrian Battiston🤩
  13. Ah, you need a good dose of Hawkwinds Valium 10 extended edition.. Check it out
  14. Sorry, Lever in rehab but was running freely
  15. A Giant Black Mamba tore off a Dalek antenna and ate it whole!
  16. P.F ( Play link as embedded above for full effect) P.F Happy to bring readers of Demonland my latest installment of Training at Casey, interesting sign as seen today!!! Don’t worry if there are any Daleks here the Slitheras will take care of them I’m Sure someone’s having a lend I think But wait what is that sound???? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzrrrrrrrrwwhhhhhhhhhooooshsdawoooooooooshes dink dink dink dink, zwwwwwwshhhhh. P.F as shape suddenly materializes and it is a Police Box, and out comes Dr. Who 4th Incantation AND LEELA!!! 🤩🥰😎 P.F “Doctor!! So good to see you again, Hello Leela Doctor “P.F Would you like a Jelly Baby? You look well! P.F Yes you you haven’t aged a bit Time Lord Legacy?” Doctor “Yes” Leela “P.F Good to see you again ( Gives me the sevateam Indian death lock greeting) P.F “What are you doing here”? Doctor “Well the Randomizer locked on to this place for some reason and the White Guardian said I had to take care of some unfinished Business here on earth. Since you and I last kicked the last of the Cybermen’s Khyber’s back to the far reaches of the the Galaxy a new menace has again arisen. The scourge of Humanity again is threatening all that we know about about freedom” P.F You don’t have to worry about the Magpie army Doctor, they have just added another Denture Clinic in Lulie st Panic has been averted, no more frightening aliens! Doctor “Its far worse than that Fence” P.F Nar you also don’t have to worry about the Bombers either they have more injuries than a Robbers one legged dog that has had his ears torn of and is blind in one eye and answers to the name of “Lucky.” Doctor “No far worse”! P.F “Kitty litter land Buying all players a share in over the water retirement Villages”? Doctor. “Fence what I talk of is the DALEKS!! They are back and hellbent on taking over the earth. Apparently, they have been following the rise of your football Team in the last few years and they want to build a Battalion of Cybermen with the characteristics of Big Maxi, Clarry, Tracc, Maysie, Jakey and Jack V!! In fact they want to clone the whole team!! P.F Hang on a minute Doctor I thought you said DALEKS, You just mentioned CYBERMEN??? Doctor “ Oh Sheeeit Fence I’m reading next episodes script!! APOLOGIES ! Anyway will you help?? P.F Oh not those OVERSIZE Salt and Pepper Shakers again?? Only If I can take LEELA on a scenic tour of Melbourne when we are done! Doctor ”I don’t know about that”!!! LEELA “I am a warrior of the sevateam Doctor I can care of myself “ (BEAMING SMILE in P.F Direction) Doctor “Ok but only with a Chaperone” P.F “Ok I’ll take Uncle Bitter and WCW with us as well!!!!!? Doctor “Ok” P.F Ok Doctor but first I gotta get this training report outa the way! TRAINING MONDAY 30/1/2023 NO SHOWS JACK VINEY, MATT JEFFERSON, CHRISTIAN SALEM. Also did not see ADAM TOMLINSON INJURIES MODIFIED DUTIES MAX, JOEL SMITH, ANB, AMW,( NO 47 Not sure who ) and during training CLARRY ( More on this latter) SKILLS , DRILLS AND MANOUVERS After warm ups and Run Throughs, players broke of into 3 Groups doing a variety of Close in Handball through traffic to hit clean target with players pressuring. One on one groundhog day ground ball gets Telescopic Talls in Marking contest situations Pressure the ball carrier, two meters away closing fast to kick to a lead Dodge through stick men and kick for goal ( Forwards only) Greg Stafford masterclass for Rucks but specific emphasis on newbies Will Verrall and Kyah Farris-White ( Gee what a huge unit he is) Half ground transitioning including stoppage work on both boundary side wings and emphasizing manned positioning and quick breakaways using precise handballs to break out of traffic and finding leading player on lead or further handball, chip kicks to favored positions to free up play and present scoring options closer to goal. Highlight is always the full ground Match Simulations and today Two Official Umpires were in charge of proceedings adding to the Life like and professional dimensions of this aspect. PLAYER WATCH Firstly, a downside. CLARRY Is clearly still hampered by his hand/thumb injury to the extent that after one drill he went to the medico’s on the boundary and disappeared to get treatment strapping and was then on modified duties running light ball work drills but he did not play in match sims. FWIW I would be totally keeping him away from all ball work for a week or two to avoid any further damage. He is far too an important player at this point of time, but the Medicos must know what they are doing! GRUNDY put on a masterclass in ruck after being pitted against Josh Schache and Will Verell. What he also provides is run and carry, he uses handball well and is pretty good below his knees. The other standouts for me were - JAKE BOWEY, who was pitted against Kyle Chandler. He mopped up at will and was instrumental in launching attacks time and again with that precisity of kicks for which he has become adept at delivering. BAILEY LAURIE was involved in a couple of excellent passages of play and perhaps he may still be in calculations for game time this year. He was creative, smooth with maneuvering and fired creative handballs to advantage. BAYLEY FRITSCH was opposed to Pig and toweled him up kicking the Blues 3 out of 6 goals . He looks more or less on song for another standout season. PIG was good with a few good marks and line breaking run but overall Bailey got the chocolates. LACHIE HUNTER is my pick for a most important role this year. He just continuously bobs up in dangerous positions and gets plenty of the ball and sets up forwards with precise kicking and canny running. He was on TAJ WOEWODIN for a time and he got a bit of the ball as well but was no where near as damaging. TOM SPARROW Impressed me greatly today with style and flair, he looks like “He Belongs” and is gaining confidence in all aspects, a dasher with speed, he posses flair and takes the game on, His kicking to position has also improved. Although WILL VERRALL was beaten in the ruck, he showed on a couple of occasions a turn of speed when he got it and the flair which he played reminded me a bit of David Schwartz with those flashy run bys. BLAKE HOWES did a few nice things and seems to be gaining confidence, as did DEAKYN SMITH off half back and thereabouts who intercepted well on a couple of occasions and delivered to a target. I thought JAMES HARMES was very very good today in match sims and set up play after play as we know he can and does do. JOSH SCHACHE ATTACKEY took a brilliant pack mark and goaled from 40 and was busy and will no doubt come into calculations, particularly if Max is not right (incidentally, Max completed many running drills almost at 3 /4 pace and I would say he will be right back to full training next week) LUKE DUNSTAN gets his fair share of the ball, isn’t dynamic or damaging with it but is always reliable and dependable. TRACC was Trac and KOZZY was Kozzy and he looks like he will be given more midfield time this season. Same with MAYSIE and PETTY. That about wraps it up for me and I can see the Doctor and Leela coming my way Till next time cheers to all Demonlanders P.F
  17. Should have played A LOT more in 2022,I expect to see this rectified in 2023, to keep midfield fresh!
  18. Yeah I can vouch for that as well. My D Max X Terrain ordered 9 months ago has been quarantined in Melbourne along with hundreds of other new cars as part of Bio Hazard regulations. 🥶
  19. As iterated earlier... I should be at Casey Next week...... AND as ALWAYS on the other side of the Fence! Stay Tuned. Cheers P.F
  20. Dont have to wag.... Semi or fully retired depending on volition, I'll be there!
  21. Replaced Jetta??? I thought Bowey did that in 2021
  22. Agree and just would love to be a fly on the wall in the offices of Visy Park when that occurs🤣
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