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Mincho Mania

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Everything posted by Mincho Mania

  1. When in doubt it's pretty simple It's the money .....
  2. The only thing I've heard about Dillon is Demetriou was a mentor🤮
  3. Need a comment from Tredrea, what a boof head
  4. You thought Richmond were ordinary tonight I'd like to play against you
  5. Judd McVee's ceiling is through the roof 🥱
  6. Are people paying attention to Richmond's effort?
  7. bolton shouldn't have got the free in the first place
  8. that's what we were missing in the first half
  9. Give Richmond credit, probably the most pressure they've brought all year, and understandably so
  10. We'll win this. Tiges and umps have played their trump cards now we run over the top of them
  11. I think he's a pretty good explosive player
  12. Hope they show proper respect for the game and cut out all the gambling ads and roaring music
  13. This could rival 186, a shellacking is in order
  14. maybe they're reading Pickets looney thread
  15. High contact on Roy Batty soft as butter
  16. I'm enjoying Wagner and Baker tonight and Jacko
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