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hoodoo breaker

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Everything posted by hoodoo breaker

  1. Let's hope by now he knows what a pineapple is. (anyone remember that one?)
  2. I've been meaning to post this since Round Zero when – like many of you – I was at the SCG in the Supporters' Area. I understand there is a service entry immediately behind the goals on the Randwick end of the ground, but why are the away supporters always beside the goals at the Paddington end. Surely an end with an obstruction is better than an inferior view that's not behind the goals? Is there any other ground in the AFL where the away team is not behind one of the goals? I raise it today as the GWS supporters have been given the priority spots behind the goals at the Paddington. Surely if it's good enough for the Finals, it should be good enough for the H&A season. Thoughts?
  3. Would have been nice if Brayshaw at least got a free and a goal.... Not much justice in this world.
  4. Thanks for initiating the question. It warms my heart to think of Melbourne supporters flooding into Sydney for the match. Typically there would be an event beforehand, but not the case for this Thursday night fixture. Considering the location, there are not a heap of options on the southern and western sides of the SCG. The best one is Watson's in the Entertainment Quarter. Otherwise, the numerous Paddington pubs Bat and Ball, Captain Cook, etc. on-route from the north and east. All options will likely be crawling with plucky Swans supporters wearing #4 (Grundy) jumpers...
  5. Grew up in the 1980’s in Sydney when we would wait for the mail to read newspaper clippings sent up from Melbourne by extended family who took pity on us. As for why, well that’s easy. I was told it was the Demons or you can move out of home. Fifth generation - the family story goes that a Collingwood supporter hit my great great grandmother with an umbrella in 1904 and the rest is history.
  6. NSW Demons Supporters' Group is hosting Club President, Kate Roffey (KR-AM – as she'd like to be known), on Thursday 22nd June from 6.00pm for 7.20 start of Cats vs Dees game. Sydneysiders or those in Sydney for work next Thursday, come and join us at the: Sports Bar (Upstairs, at the rear) Kirribilli Club, 11 Harbourview Crescent, Lavender Bay (five minutes walk from Milsons Point Station). Limited paid parking available onsite. Great food and beverage options available.
  7. More howlers last night than a pack of wolves on heat
  8. Not strictly related to his contract, but worth raising. Did we note Kozzie's bizarre absence from the latest popularity contest: Dwayne Russell's Top 40 most 'watchable' players. I needed to check the list 5 times before I knew for sure that he'd been trumped by Jessie Hogan at #36! Has to be in the 5-7 range with Cameron, Bolton and Rankine – at least. In return, I'm thinking of leaving Dwayne off my Top 40 most watchable commentators list. 😉
  9. I live 5kms from the stadium. Not a cloud in the sky in all directions. No breeze at all. No chance of rain tonight folks. Game on!
  10. Heart goes out to those in Victoria (and for those in missing the game in the NT). However, for those based in Sydney it's a great opportunity to see the team at the peak of their powers. Having grown up in Sydney during the 1980's, when most people in Sydney thought the VFL was some strange new STD, this game is huge. Friday night, top of the table, peak form having just reclaimed the top of the table. Honestly – it doesn't get any bigger. So, my message to all the NSW Demons – get there. We have a responsibility to carry the flame for our Southern brethren. I want to see every damn demon supporter there – young and old, rusted-on or bandwagon jumper, Matt Doran or Hamish Blake – I don't care. As long as you're in Sydney and a Demons supporter, that's all that matters. At 2pm today hit up Ticketmaster! Let's make some noise.
  11. BUMP A potential record not broken. To think we only got around half way off the longest streak NOT to occupy #1. Feel a little sorry for those bloods supporters in the 60s, 70s and 80s. After last night, not so much for the bloods 2020s supporters...
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